Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Frage 1
Learning intentions are statements that describe the learning activities/tasks that a lesson or series of lessons will focus on
Frage 2
Learning intentions are effective when they..... (Please select all possible correct answers)
Identify what students will be learning
Explain the reason for the learning
Share and where appropriate, negotiate the learning and the reason with students at the beginning of the lesson or activity
Are presented in language that students can understand
Are revisited throughout the activity/lesson
Are used solely at the beginning of a new topic
Frage 3
Why are success criteria important?
They help improve student understanding
They empower students
They encourage independent learning
They enable effective feedback
All of the above
Frage 4
Criteria for success are linked to the learning intentions and are specific to an activity/task
Frage 5
Criteria for success provide a scaffold and focus for students when engaged in an activity