Japanese Quiz #1


Quiz am Japanese Quiz #1, erstellt von Adrian W am 30/05/2015.
Adrian W
Quiz von Adrian W, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Adrian W
Erstellt von Adrian W vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

How do you say 'Hello' in Japanese?
  • Kon-nichi-wa
  • Kon-nochi-wa
  • Kon-nichi-wo
  • Kon-nicho-wa

Frage 2

How do you say 'Goodbye' in Japanese?
  • Arigatou
  • Sayonara
  • O-ha-you
  • Ja-mata-ne

Frage 3

How would you introduce your name, and then ask someone for their name?
  • Watashi-wa-_____desu. O-Na-mae-wa?
  • Watashi-wa-_____desu. Gen-ki-desu-ka?
  • Watashi-no-Na-mae-wa-_____desu. O-Na-mae-wa?
  • Gen-ki-desu-ka? O-Na-mae-ha?
  • Watashi-wa-genki-desu. Genki-desu-ka?

Frage 4

The three alphabets of Japanese are:
  • Hiragana
  • Hangul
  • Furigana
  • Ateji
  • Kanji
  • Okurigana
  • Emoji
  • Katakana

Frage 5

You are at a Convenience store and you want to buy a drink plus some of that delicious fried chicken behind the counter. The lady behind the counter is of advanced age and she doesn't look like she'll understand english. You also don't really know the word for chicken and are at a loss at what to do. You should...
  • Talk in regular, full-speed english.
  • Point to the chicken and put up 3 fingers cause you want 3 pieces.
  • Ask the teacher to order the chicken for you.
  • Use the english word for chicken, but use the japanese word for 'please' on the end.
  • Give up and wait for the next meal.

Frage 6

You are in a Japanese restaurant with the rest of the tour group and the dishes have arrived on the table. All of your friends have started eating already cause you had a busy day of visiting temples and are really tired. Following your friends lead, you dig in to the feast of exotic foods and enjoy the meal. After all of the unique food you ate, you get up with the group and leave the restaurant chatting amongst one another. You and your friends have forgotten to do something.
  • True
  • False

Frage 7

What is the name of the island that you will be travelling on:
  • Honshu
  • Kyushu
  • Shikoku
  • Hokkaido
  • Okinawa

Frage 8

You've just arrived in Japan and are probably pretty tired from the long plane ride. You ride the coach to your accommodation in Ikebukuro, and half of the group is asleep already but you are still awake unable to sleep. As you start to enter Tokyo you should....
  • Have a look outside the bus at all the cool signs etc.
  • Go on Facebook just to kill time.
  • Think about the things you are going to be doing in Japan.
  • Brush up on your Japanese phrases if you want.
  • Talk to your friends about things going on at school.

Frage 9

Select the cities in Japan that you will be visiting on this Trip:
  • Tokyo
  • Osaka
  • Hiroshima
  • Kyoto
  • Nagoya
  • Fukuoka
  • Himeji
  • Mt Fuji
  • Okayama
  • Kumamoto

Frage 10

Study your itinerary: What famous landmarks will you be visiting in Hiroshima?
  • Hiroshima Castle, Hiroshima Peace Park
  • Hiroshima Peace park, Miyajima
  • Meiji Shrine, Miyajima
  • Hakuo High School, Hiroshima Peace park

Frage 11

Japanese grammar is similar to English grammar.
  • True
  • False

Frage 12

I've never had raw fish sushi before, so I shouldn't try it.
  • True
  • False

Frage 13

You are on the way to Disneyland and want to make the most of your day by going on the most rides. However, you notice that the line for the ticket gate is longer than you thought. Japanese people are used to waiting in lines, and so the time spent waiting in lines at any given ride at Disneyland can be upwards of three hours. What can you do to ensure that you'll get on all the rides you want?
  • Work out some of the best rides to go on beforehand.
  • Get the Tokyo Disneyland FASTPASS
  • Wander around seeing which rides have small lines
  • Run frantically around the park (which you'll probably do anyway) to get everything done to the last second.

Frage 14

You've been in Japan a few days now, and you are getting ready to go to the Japanese high school's cultural festival today. What should you do/prepare for the festival?
  • If you have no change, exchange some of your 1000, and definitely 2000 yen notes into 100 yen or 500 yen coins.
  • Brush up on your japanese phrases
  • Come with an appetite
  • Leave some space in your luggage for souvenirs
  • Get ready to be famous for a day because you are going to hear 'Kawaii!' a lot.

Frage 15

Imagine you are a Japanese student. You have finished your club activities for the day and are about to go home. There are club activities everyday and you say Sayonara to your friend and he waves back casually and says Sayonara too. Something is wrong with the following scenario, True or False?
  • True
  • False

Frage 16

Name the place in Tokyo famous for its Scramble intersection.
  • Shibuya
  • Harajuku
  • Shinjuku
  • Asakusa
  • Meiji-Jingu
  • Ginza
  • Marunouchi
  • Roppongi
  • Akihabara

Frage 17

What is the district in Tokyo famous for its Anime culture, electronics goods, and all things 'Kawaii'? (Look up Kawaii if you don't understand)
  • Shibuya
  • Harajuku
  • Shinjuku
  • Asakusa
  • Tokyo Skytree
  • Roppongi
  • Akihabara
  • Ginza

Frage 18

What is in Asakusa, Tokyo?
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