Related Issue 4 Exam


a test
Quiz von regine22joy, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von regine22joy vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

What is the name of the battle that took place between the French and English in 1759 that left the Canadiens fearful of being expelled by the English?
  • Battle of Waterloo
  • Battle on the plains of Abraham
  • Battle of the Frontiers
  • Battle of Amiens

Frage 2

In the 1960s, the name of the man who governed Quebec provincial government and had the vision for Quebec as "Masters in Their Own House".
  • Jean Lesage
  • Pierre Trudeau
  • Maurice Duplessis
  • Louis Riel

Frage 3

The "Impatient Generation" were the?
  • Separatists who believed in the self determination of Quebec
  • Group of well educated Quebecois who had few opportunities in the economy of Quebec
  • The loyalists who fled from the US to Canada which increased English population of British colony
  • French Acadians expelled from Nova Scotia by the English

Frage 4

When was the province of Manitoba established?
  • 1914 at the start of the World War I
  • 1870 after the Red River Rebellion
  • 1774 because of the Quebec Act
  • 1968 as a result of the decision made by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau

Frage 5

What was the general attitude towards conscription in World War I?
  • It was widely accepted throughout Canada because of the citizens' nationalism and patriotism for their country.
  • Unlike French Canadians, English Canadians were unwilling to join the war.
  • A large number of French Canadians refused to obey and did not join the army, much to the dismay of English Canadians.
  • Both the French and English generally opposed the participation of Canada in the war.

Frage 6

As a result of the transfer payments enforced throughout Canada, who did it give a disadvantage to?
  • Quebec, the disputes between other provinces required them to pay more to Canada compared to others.
  • The people of Canada, they were given a economic disadvantage due to the power imbalance of the provinces.
  • Alberta, because of their oil, they gave more to less provinces than they received.
  • No one, transfer payments gave advantages to all citizens of Canada.

Frage 7

Which of these is an example of an internal force that affects Canada's unity?
  • The "Idle No More" Campaign
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attack
  • The Suez Crisis
  • The Gulf War

Frage 8

How did Pierre Trudeau's vision of Canada differ from Rene Levesque's?
  • Pierre Trudeau was a federalist and believed in a pluralist society unlike Rene Levesque who promoted Quebec independence and believed that sovereignty was the only solution.
  • Pierre Trudeau had a vision of Canada as separatist and was an advocate for the self determination for Quebec. Rene Levesque was Quebecois and fiercely believed in the unification of a diverse country.
  • As a Quebecois, Pierre Trudeau promoted the independence of Quebec and the separation of the Quebecois from the Canadians unlike Rene Levesque who wanted to promote and affirm the French language and culture of the province's Francophones.
  • Pierre Trudeau believed in "two official languages" of Canada as well as a multicultural society. Rene Levesque promoted pluralism of the society and believed in a whole state to achieve freedom and affirm French heritage.

Frage 9

What were the major details of the Manitoba Act in 1870?
  • Created the province of Manitoba, recognized French and English as equal, as well as provide hundreds of thousands of hectares of land to the Metis.
  • Created a federal dominion of Manitoba, gave their government the right to pass laws, as well as recognize French and English as equal.
  • Provide and give the Metis entitlement to their own land, create a federal dominion of Manitoba, as well as the formation of Manitoba.
  • Gave the government of Manitoba the right to pass laws, give entitlement of land to the Metis, as well as imposed taxes in immigrants in Canada.

Frage 10

What was the public opinion of Louis Riel in the late 1800s?
  • He was a villain in the Metis' eyes yet praised by the English.
  • Seen as a traitor by both the French and English.
  • He was a traitor to the English but a hero to the French.
  • He was given support by the French Canada but the English generally neither disliked nor liked him.

Frage 11

What was the Manitoba Schools crisis?
  • The elimination of residential schools and the enforcement of conscription.
  • Granted Francophones land and freedom of religion.
  • Metis are given the right to vote and residential schools are abolished.
  • Elimination of Catholic schools as well as the removal of French as an official language of Canada.

Frage 12

What was the name of the Radical Activists who planned and carried out terrorist activities in the name of French Canadian Nationalism?
  • The Separatists
  • The Impatient Generation
  • The FLQ
  • The Parti Quebecois

Frage 13

What was the Quebec Act?
  • Gave the French freedom of religion, promoted the role of the church, and granted Francophones land.
  • The formation of Quebec as a province as well as give Quebecois the right to vote.
  • Promoted civil law of the French and create French as an official language of Canada.
  • Elimination of residential schools in Quebec, grant economic opportunites for the French, and protect Francophone consumers from energy costs.

Frage 14

La Surviveau was the survival of French culture in 1970.
  • True
  • False

Frage 15

Which one of these politicians was a man who founded the Parti Quebecois, was the premier from 1976 to 1985, as well as promote the idea of an independent Quebec?
  • Jacques Parizeau
  • Brian Mulroney
  • Lucien Bouchard
  • Rene Levesque

Frage 16

Representation by population: the idea that the higher the population of a province, the smaller the number of seats allocated to that province will be in order to increase the voices of the minority.
  • True
  • False

Frage 17

Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, and Manitoba form the dominion of Canada by the BNA Act.
  • True
  • False

Frage 18

Canada as a nation state, was founded by two nations.
  • True
  • False

Frage 19

Put these events which lead to Canada's independence from Britain, in chronological order. 1. The role of the Governor General in Canada's government is changed to represent solely the British monarch 2. Canada's constitution is removed from British parliament and passed as an act of Canada's parliament. 3. Canada's first seating at the signing of the Treaty of Versailles as the first international recognition of Canada as its own country. 4. BNA Act is passed, creating the "Dominion of Canada"
  • 4, 2, 3, 1
  • 4, 3, 1, 2
  • 3, 4, 1, 2
  • 3, 2, 1, 4

Frage 20

In the October Crisis, Federal governments declared which act?
  • War Measures Act - Gave powers to the Canadian government to maintain security and order during war or insurrection
  • Criminal Code Act - Granted the right to carry out activities in support of the fulfillment of the mandate of a United Nations operation
  • Civil Service Act - Federal law established that decided that government jobs should be awarded on the basis of merit.
  • Manitoba Act - Gives no imposition of taxes by the legislature for municipal or other local purposes.

Frage 21

Lord Durham was a politician in the 1830s who:
  • believed in the idea of a federalist but believed that French minority could be assimilated into Canadian society
  • founded the Bloc Quebecois, a federal party wanting a sovereign Quebec and was a prominent member in Mulroney's government
  • ignored the issue of Quebec separatism and believed the Quebecois did not want to separate if the Federal government provided programs and help
  • had the idea of multiculturalism and integration of all cultures in Canadian society

Frage 22

As a result of the BNA Act, power was divided between the federal and provincial governments in attempt to end French fears of assimilation and English control.
  • True
  • False

Frage 23

In late 1800s, the Manitoba Act ended a political stalemate between upper and lower Canada.
  • True
  • False

Frage 24

What was Western alienation?
  • The belief that the central provinces were alienated in order to push for more voices from the Western provinces.
  • The Western provinces were discluded from political and economical affairs in favour for the central provinces.
  • Quebec and its neighbours were disadvantaged politically and economically due to the increasing power of the Western provinces, namely Alberta.
  • The need for Canada to have more control of their vital industries in the maritimes.

Frage 25

In the 1940s, many Francophones ended up in well paying jobs while Anglophones had low paying, labour jobs due to the fact that Francophones were more preferred due to their bilinguality.
  • True
  • False

Frage 26

Who was Lionel Grouix?
  • founder of the Bloc Quebecois
  • forefather of the Quebec Nationalists
  • led the FLQ against Quebec federalists
  • led the Metis in fighting for their French rights

Frage 27

As a result of the "Quiet Revolution", the Quebec provincial governments achieved which goals?
  • Nationalization of private businesses and change of the education system
  • Abolishment of residential schools and economization of government owned businesses
  • Introduction of official bilingualism in Canada and including more economic opportunities in Quebec
  • Promotion of a greater degree of energy self sufficieny and equalizing the pace of oil across the nation

Frage 28

Which of the following was reason for Pierre Trudeau to have more control of Canada's vital industries?
  • 95% of the oil industry was dominated by foreigners.
  • The terrorism of radical activists which resulted in the October crisis.
  • The lack of economic opportunities for the new generation.
  • The nationalization of locally owned businesses in Quebec.

Frage 29

Truth and Revelation commission states that Canada's residential schools were cultural genocide.
  • True
  • False

Frage 30

As a result of the formation of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism, the commissioners found that:
  • Most Francophones voices were heard in numerous political affairs and opportunities for academy increased for the Quebecois.
  • Federal services were unavailable to be provided in both official languages and there was an affirmation of equal status between the English and French.
  • The language barrier prevented many Francophones from finding government jobs and they were not heard in economic and decision making power.
  • There was an increase in availability for French-language education as well as the creation of the federal department of multiculturalism.

Frage 31

By 2006, an estimate of 1 out of 6 Canadians are a visible minority.
  • True
  • False

Frage 32

What is asymmetrical federalism?
  • All provinces and territories would not share power with the federal governments in the same way.
  • A belief, doctrine, or policy that embraces the idea of ethnic or cultural diversity and promotes a culturally pluralistic society.
  • Agreements between two countries to work towards resolving issues that concern both countries.
  • The policy of a country responding to events on its own without agreements with, or support from, other countries.

Frage 33

Who was the first Francophone minister of Canada?
  • Wilfred Laurier
  • Pierre Trudeau
  • Louis Riel
  • Jacques Parizeau

Frage 34

The League of Haudenosaunee was the Iroquois, also known as the Four Nations Confederacy.
  • True
  • False

Frage 35

The word that is defined by revenues from federal taxes that are paid by the Canadian government to less prosperous provinces to ensure that public services are more or less equally available to all Canadians.
  • Equalization Payments
  • Taxation
  • Royal Commission
  • Appeasement

Frage 36

What does it mean to be a cosmopolitan society?
  • A society driven by supply and demand. Economically powered by the consumer and producer cycle.
  • Borrowing, adopting, and adapting values from many cultures.
  • The idea of a sovereignty and independent society.
  • A policy by which countries agree to abide by the decisions of an international organization.

Frage 37

Because of the devastating event in 1971, the new Canadian government was influenced to distribute powers through provincial and federal or territorial governments. What were they determined to prevent?
  • Economically disadvantaged provinces in the country which would result in province inequality.
  • Minorities shut out of positions of economic and decision-making power.
  • A fragile Canadian unity.
  • A political power struggle which might result in a similar conflict in Canada.

Frage 38

Which Act do these principles belong to? - affirmation of equal status of French and English - guarantee that federal services are available in both languages - ensure that Anglophones and Francophones have equal economic opportunities
  • Official Languages Act
  • Manitoba Act
  • British North America Act
  • Bilingualism Act

Frage 39

When citizens believe that they are treated fairly and equally, they are more likely to feel a sense of belonging.
  • True
  • False

Frage 40

Which of these provinces did not receive equalization payments?
  • British Columbia
  • Quebec
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Nova Scotia

Frage 41

What has the Francophone population in Quebec always sought?
  • A greater self determination.
  • Equalization between provinces.
  • Less alienation within Canada.
  • A pluralistic society.

Frage 42

Many institutions try to influence policy development. Which of these is NOT a way for them to achieve their goals?
  • Publish literature
  • Commission surveys
  • Maintain Websites
  • Regulate broadcasts

Frage 43

What is the definition of national identity?
  • An inclusive approach that is characterized by respect for diversity.
  • Co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups.
  • The distinguishing character or personality of an individual.
  • In general, a collective or group identity that is based on economical, social, and political understandings of the nation.

Frage 44

How does Thomas D'Arcy McGee's words reflect the makeup of Canada in 1867?
  • Assimilation of the French minority into the English population in the past.
  • Canada's diversity in that current past influenced the push for separatism of Quebec from Canada.
  • He believed in living as one with minorities due to the abundance of minorities in Canada at the time.
  • The negative view of multiculturalism at the time displays the monoculturalism of Canada.

Frage 45

Which document sets out the kind of country Canadians want to live in and the values and beliefs that bind them together?
  • The Declaration of Independence
  • The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • Bill of Rights
  • The Proclamation Paper

Frage 46

Which French philosopher said that a nation is "a group of people united by a mistaken view about the past and a hatred of their neighbours?
  • Jeffrey Sachs
  • Pierre Trudeau
  • Jean Lesage
  • Ernest Renan

Frage 47

Which of these is not what national identity is based of off?
  • Ethnic
  • Linguistic
  • Historical
  • Spiritual

Frage 48

Which of these is not a myth used to promote Canadian national identity?
  • Early voyageurs canoeing westward
  • Building of the Canadian Pacific Railway
  • War of 1812
  • Civil War

Frage 49

Ernest Renan believes that shared memories of the past and its people's consent in the present unites a nation.
  • True
  • False

Frage 50

Which of these do not operate institutions that provide services?
  • Governments
  • Organizations
  • Communities
  • NGOs

Frage 51

Which of these promotes Canadian identity by broadcasting and regulating programs that all Canadians can listen to, see, and share?
  • CTV
  • Dominion Institute
  • Canada Border Services Agency
  • CRTC

Frage 52

What were some of the actions taken by the Canadian government to discourage Chinese and Black immigration to Canada?
  • Claimed their land and did not recognize them as citizens of Canada.
  • Imposing taxes on their immigration as well as disallowing their ability to vote.
  • Prohibited immigration of all Chinese labourers in 1932.
  • All of the above

Frage 53

As a result of the declaration of the Indian Act in court, the Supreme Court ruled that:
  • The Aboriginal community were entitled to their own land despite what the government says.
  • The Aboriginal community were forced to adjust to new custom and traditions in Canada.
  • Distribution of land towards the European immigrants and Aboriginal community were equalized.
  • Freedom of autonomy as well as sovereignty were granted towards the Aboriginals.

Frage 54

People in various regions of Canada have differing ______ that are often dictated by the ______ of the area.
  • Identities, geography
  • Interests, economy
  • Needs, geography
  • Affairs, economy

Frage 55

What was the purpose of the Royal Commission on Biculturalism and Bilingualism?
  • Explore and recommend ways of maintaining national unity
  • Promote Quebecois sovereignty and influence political affairs
  • A government ploy to force citizens to learn French
  • Divert attention from social and economic problems

Frage 56

The intensity of the sense of national unity can be influenced by both ______ and _______ forces.
  • Foreign, international
  • English, French
  • Internal, external
  • Sovereignty, bicultural

Frage 57

Part of the Manitoba Act was to guarantee that both Anglophones and Francophones have equal economic opportunities.
  • True
  • False

Frage 58

One of the first institutions to achieve the goals of peace, order, and good government was the:
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • Dominion Institute
  • Canadian War Museum
  • Canada Customs and Revenue

Frage 59

Some people are opposed to the symbols such as the Governor General because they regard them as remnants of colonialism.
  • True
  • False

Frage 60

Which of these is not an economic program used to promote national identity?
  • Handing out flags and maple leaf pins to constituents.
  • Sponsoring athletes and celebrating their achievements.
  • Placing stickers of the flag on Canadian footballers' helmets.
  • Promoting international programs to Canadians.
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