Tech Service Pre-Test


Test to check knowledge of prospective team members of the GOHS Technology Service.
Robert Stockwell
Quiz von Robert Stockwell, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Robert Stockwell
Erstellt von Robert Stockwell vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Which of the following is the most important quality of a Technology Officer? Select the best answer.
  • Punctuality
  • Listening Ability
  • Responsibility
  • Overall Skill

Frage 2

Imagine yourself in the following situation, then answer the question that follows accordingly. A student brings you a CD or iPod and wants you to play music from it. You have never heard the music this person wants to play and there is no teacher or administrator with the student. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to proceed?
  • Play it. The student is trustworthy.
  • Play it, but listen to it as it is being played to make sure there is no inappropriate content.
  • Don't play it. Students cannot be trusted.
  • Play it, but only if you or an administrator have listened to it to make sure there is no inappropriate content.

Frage 3

Imagine yourself in the following situation, then answer the question that follows accordingly. A student from WSB approaches you and asks if you will run an event for them. You are busy with other tasks and don't have much time to spend with them to discuss all of the necessary details. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to proceed?
  • Ignore them. They clearly don't see how busy you are.
  • Acknowledge them, but suggest they fill out an online request form.
  • Stop what you are currently doing and ask more about their event.
  • Tell them to talk to Mr. Skaggs.

Frage 4

What is the most common type of connector in a sound system? Select the best answer.
  • 1/4 Inch
  • XLR
  • TRS
  • Headphone Jack

Frage 5

Which of the following are actual types of microphones? Select all that are correct.
  • Dynamic
  • Condenser
  • Ribbon
  • Static
  • Solid-State

Frage 6

True or false? Microphone level is subjected to less interference than line level.
  • True
  • False

Frage 7

What are the two types (or representations) of equalizers (EQ)? Select all that are correct.
  • Graphic
  • Static
  • Dynamic
  • Parametric

Frage 8

True or false? Gain is another word for volume.
  • True
  • False

Frage 9

True or false? Water is allowed in and around electronic control areas.
  • True
  • False

Frage 10

Which of the following is responsible for combining several sources of sound and balancing them? Select the best answer.
  • Mixer
  • Equalizer
  • Amplifier
  • Controller

Frage 11

True or false? The function of a compressor is to limit the amount of gain that is introduced to a channel.
  • True
  • False

Frage 12

True or false? iTunes is the best software to use for playing music during a show.
  • True
  • False

Frage 13

How many pins can an XLR connector have? Select all that are correct.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

Frage 14

How many pins can a TRS style connector have? Select all that are correct.
  • 1 (Tip)
  • 2 (Tip, Sleeve)
  • 3 (Tip, Ring, Sleeve)
  • 4 (Tip, Ring, Ring, Sleeve)
  • 5 (Tip, Ring, Ring, Sleeve, Tip)

Frage 15

What is the level of the audio produced by an amplifier (when it is sent to the speakers from the amplifier)? Select the best answer.
  • Line Level
  • Mic Level
  • Speaker Level
  • None of these

Frage 16

Which of the following are NOT video connectors/cables? Select all that are correct.
  • HDMI
  • VGA
  • DVI
  • Mini DisplayPort
  • S-Video
  • Composite/Component
  • XLR
  • BNC
  • USB
  • Lightning

Frage 17

How do rear-projection projector setups work? Select the best answer.
  • The projector is installed right side up. The screen flips the image so it displays correctly on the appropriate side.
  • The projector is installed upside down. The screen flips the image so it displays correctly on the appropriate side.
  • The projector is installed right side up. There is no need to flip the image.
  • The projector is installed upside down. There is no need to flip the image.

Frage 18

Imagine yourself in the following situation, then answer the question that follows accordingly. You are told there is an event happening in the gym. Like many other events held in the gym, this one will require the use of projectors. As usual, you press the button which automatically lowers the screens and powers on the projectors, except one of the projectors didn't turn on. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to proceed?
  • Keep pushing the button until the problematic projector powers on.
  • Push the power off/screens up button and start over again.
  • Use the remote to manually power on the problematic projector.
  • Get Mr. Skaggs or Mr. Duran to help.

Frage 19

Imagine yourself in the following situation, then answer the question that follows accordingly. A student from a WSB committee approaches you moments before a pep rally is set to start. She asks if you can change a certain song in a playlist. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to proceed?
  • Do it. She probably just made a mistake and there's still time to fix it.
  • Don't do it. Tell her she should have been more prepared.
  • If there is a reasonable amount of time to do so, do it, but tell her to be more prepared in the future.
  • If there is a reasonable amount of time to do so, do it. Tell Mr. Skaggs how poorly prepared the committee was after the event.

Frage 20

Imagine yourself in the following situation, then answer the question that follows accordingly. A student approaches you claiming they have lost their cell phone after you have made several announcements for a lost phone for over a half-hour. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to proceed?
  • Give them the phone, they probably couldn't hear with all the environmental noise.
  • Give them the phone, but watch them as they leave the control area.
  • Ask for the phone number to the phone in question, then call it with your own. If it rings, give them the phone.
  • Do not give them the phone. Call and wait for an administrator.

Frage 21

True or false? Teachers can always tell you what to do.
  • True
  • False

Frage 22

Imagine yourself in the following situation, then answer the question that follows accordingly. A teacher approaches you and asks if you can play a song from their iPod/phone. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to proceed?
  • Play it. You should always listen to/follow instructions from a teacher.
  • Don't play it. You have never heard this music before and it has not been approved by administration.
  • Find an administrator and ask if it is ok to play the music this teacher wants you to play.
  • Ask one of the students in charge of the event if it is ok to play the music this teacher wants you to play.

Frage 23

Imagine yourself in the following situation, then answer the question that follows accordingly. You are running an event when a student in charge approaches you and wants you to do something with the lights and music, but a nearby administrator overhears the suggested change and disagrees. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to proceed?
  • Listen to the student. It is their event.
  • Listen to the administrator. They are ultimately in charge.
  • Don't listen to either. You are the technology officer and you know what is best.
  • Make a compromise. Only make a slight change to appease both the student and the administrator.

Frage 24

Imagine yourself in the following situation, then answer the question that follows accordingly. You are running an event that was coordinnated poorly. A parent approaches you and angrily asks why things are not running smoothly. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to proceed?
  • Calm and reassure the parent, stating that the event will proceed and that everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have.
  • Calm down the parent and tell them the event was poorly planned and no one was prepared.
  • Defend yourself and say "I'm doing my job!".
  • Do nothing. Call an administrator to handle the situation.

Frage 25

True or false? I believe I can do this job. While I may or may not have the skills yet, I know I possess the drive and passion to complete whatever task is assigned to me. If, at any time, I have questions or concerns, I will raise them to my co-officers and/or the powers at be.
  • True
  • False
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