Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Frage 1
You want to access the property title of the object blog with the cObject-ViewHelper in Fluid. What needs to be set in TypoScript? (2)
The TypoScript library lib.path is a TEXT cObject and the cObject-ViewHelper is implemented as
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.path" data="{blog}" />
import = 1
insertData = 1
data = field:title
field = data:title
dataWrap = {title}
Frage 2
What needs to be done to add TypoScript files for an extension? (1)
Add the addTypoScript() method call to file ext_localconf.php
Add the addTypoScript() method call to file ext_tables.php
Add the addStaticFile() method call to file Configuration/TCA/Overrides/sys_template.php
Add the addStaticFile() method call to file Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tt_content.php
Frage 3
Assuming that the extension key reads my_extension and the plugin key is Bloglisting, which TypoScript keys exist? (3)
Frage 4
How can a plugin Example of an extension MyExtension be added to all pages with TypoScript? (1)
page.10 < plugin.tx_myextension_example
page.10 < module.tx_myextension_example
page.10 < tt_content.list.20.myextension_example
page.10 < config.tx_extbase
page.10 < plugin.tx_simpleblog
Frage 5
Which method can be used to make TSconfig settings available in an extension? (1)
The “Include”-directive in TypoScript
The Include field in the page properties
The addPageTSConfig() method of class ExtensionManagementUtility
The addTSConfig() method of class ExtensionManagement
This is not possible by default
Frage 6
What is the purpose of the TypoScript configuration config.sys_language_mode = strict? (1)
Only records in the default language are shown
Only records in the currently selected language are shown
Only records with translations in all available languages are shown
Only records which do not have a default language are shown
An error is shown if the page does not have a translation in the currently selected language
Frage 7
What does the TypoScript sub-key features.skipDefaultArguments = 1 define? (1)
Default arguments are not processed
Default arguments are not added to URLs
Default arguments are ignored.
Default arguments are prevented
Default arguments are not executed
Frage 8
Which statements about TypoScript for backend modules are correct? (2)
TypoScript works for the frontend only and cannot be used for backend modules
TypoScript for backend modules is configured via the key module
TypoScript for backend modules can be created by copying the key plugin
TypoScript for backend modules is loaded in the ext_tables.php file
TypoScript for backend modules and frontend plugins is exactly the same
Frage 9
How can an array be parsed as a TypoScript object? (1)
By using method ts()
By using method $GLOBALS['TSFE']->cObj->cObjGetSingle()
By using method $this->cObj->cObjGetSingle()
By using method $GLOBALS['TSFE']->cObj
By using method $this->cObjGetSingle()
Frage 10
Is it possible to develop custom cObjects for use in TypoScript? (1)
This is not possible – this requires TYPO3 core changes
Yes, by adding custom cObjects in the Install Tool
Yes, by extending the array $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['ContentObjects']
Yes, custom cObjects can be used in TypoScript straight away
Yes, if they are configured in the Page TSconfig