7.1 Handling of Security Issues


TYPO3 CD 2020 (zweite Auflage) Quiz am 7.1 Handling of Security Issues, erstellt von Pascal Bartl am 09/04/2021.
Pascal Bartl
Quiz von Pascal Bartl, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Pascal Bartl
Erstellt von Pascal Bartl vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

What is the first step when you discover a security vulnerability in a non-core TYPO3 extension? (1)
  • Contact the author of the extension
  • Inform the TYPO3 Security Team under security@typo3.org
  • Inform the TYPO3 Association under association@typo3.org
  • Fix the issue yourself and publish the patch in a Git repository at GitHub
  • Post a message to the Twitter account of the TYPO3 Security Team

Frage 2

How should a developer stay up-to-date about security issues in the TYPO3 ecosystem? (1)
  • By following the Twitter channel “@typo3_security”
  • By checking the TYPO3 website from time to time
  • By subscribing to the Slack channel “#security”
  • By subscribing to the mailing list “typo3-announce”
  • By checking the TYPO3 review system frequently
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