18.- Evolution ( http://www.sumanasinc.com/webcontent/animations/content/evolution/evolution.html )


Quiz von PEDRO ALVAREZ JIMENEZ, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von PEDRO ALVAREZ JIMENEZ vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

THE BIG PICTURE- Comparative anatomy provides evidence
  • That mammals are dissimilar
  • That mammals use their limbs for different purposes
  • That mammals existed in the past
  • That mammals all share a common mammalian ancestor

Frage 2

An explanation for the different species of honeycreepers on the Hawaiian islands is
  • The habitats were different on the different islands and selected different traits
  • Each bird was created separately to survive in different environmental conditions
  • Different traits that were needed for survival appeared in the birds so that the birds did not go extinct
  • That all of the birds of Hawaii share a common ancestor

Frage 3

An explanation for the difference in a.a between lamprey Hb and human Hb is:
  • Lampreys live in the water and don´t need as much Hb
  • Lamprey Hb and human Hb perform different functions
  • The common ancestor for humans and lampreys is very far in the past
  • Lampreys and humans are not related

Frage 4

EVOLUTION IN ACTION- Why is it relevant that the definition of “population” is individuals of the same species in the same area?
  • Because biology is the study of species
  • Because data cannot reliably be collected in more than one place
  • Because only individuals of the same species in the same place can reproduce
  • Because individuals of a population may impact each other´s survival

Frage 5

Why do some flies live only 12 hours and others live 30 hours without food?
  • Because some flies ate more food before the food was removed
  • Because there is variation in the population for starvation resistance
  • Because some flies needed to live longer without food
  • Because some flies conserved more energy by flying less

Frage 6

Which of the following is the hypothesis for your fruit fly experiment?
  • How long can fruit flies survive before starvation?
  • Evolution is something we can observe
  • Fruit flies will become starvation resistant when they need to survive
  • Fruit flies can be bred to live longer before starvation

Frage 7

Why select the 20 % most starvation resistant flies
  • Because you are selecting for a trait than impacts survival and reproduction
  • Because you are selecting flies that can reproduce
  • Because you are selecting flies that have acquired starvation resistance
  • Because you need to have some flies reproduce

Frage 8

What happens when a fruit fly fails to reproduce?
  • Its genes must be carried by another individual in the population
  • Only some of its genes will pass into the next generation
  • None of its genes will pass into the next generation
  • Its genes will skip a generation

Frage 9

Why are the Generation 60 flies fatter than the Generation 1 flies?
  • Because they needed to evolve the ability to resist starvation
  • Because some had genes that allowed them to survive longer without food
  • Because the flies ate more food in Generation 60 so that they could survive longer without food
  • Because some had traits that they acquired that allowed them to survive without food

Frage 10

What does reproductive success for the bacteria mean?
  • That some individuals were able to pass their genes into the next generation
  • That some individuals were able to resist the antibacterial soap
  • That all individuals reproduced successfully
  • That all were able to resist the antibacterial soap
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