Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Frage 1
1.-Questionnaire is A self-report data-collection instrument filled out by research participants,can be used to collect quantitative, qualitative, and mixed data. Questionnaires typically include many questions and statements.There are an opened questions or closed questions.From the following options,identify the characteristics of an opened questions.
Allows participants to answer in the way that wish.
Requires that participants choose from a limited number of responses predetermined by the investigator.
Provide primarily qualitative data.
Requires participants to choose from a limited number of responses that are predetermined by the researcher.
Provide primarily quantitative data.
Are usually used in exploratory research (i.e., when the researcher knows little about the topic).
Are valuable when the researcher needs to know what people are thinking and the dimensions of a variable are not well defined.
Frage 2
2.-According to Chapter 8 of the Educational Research book, Principle 1 is based on ensuring that the elements of the questionnaire coincide with the objectives of your research, which tells us that you must always determine why you intend to carry out the research study, there are important aspects within this principle. Identify which of the following options are.
The main objective is to explore the topic.
Combine two or more attitude problems or objects into a single item.
Carefully review the existing research literature.
Carefully review the existing research investigation.
A question should be asked or a variable included after the data has been collected.
Frage 3
Based on this example of the rating scale, order in descending order to ascending order as appropriate.
0. no evidence
1. Poor
2. Acceptable
3. Regular
4. Good
5.Very good