Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Frage 1
The tip: "Find a quiet place to set up" means:
A quiet environment is key when you're setting up space for virtual class time.
Just like ordinary class time, you'll want to have your materials at the ready when your virtual class or lecture begins.
Beginning virtual learning time with a deliberate intention lends extra purpose to your session and helps you focus on the content at hand.
Frage 2
It can be easy to get distracted when you're sitting alone in front of a device. Active listening strategies will help you maintain focus. This is a description for "Check: Are you muted?"
Frage 3
The tip: "Follow your teacher's instructions", involves:
As long as your teacher gives the OK, you can use the chat feature in your platform to ask questions
This may involve using a virtual hand-raise feature in the platform, or typing a message into a chat box.
Screen froze? Bumped from the class? App crashed? Don't panic!
Frage 4
"As long as your teacher gives the OK, you can use the chat feature in your platform to ask questions", is a description for "Set a goal for yourself"
Frage 5
Prepare for class means to: