11th grade. Unit 3. Lesson 1. Active Vocabulary


11th grade (11th grade. Unit 3. Environment) Quiz am 11th grade. Unit 3. Lesson 1. Active Vocabulary, erstellt von Veronika Bebekh am 11/01/2022.
Veronika Bebekh
Quiz von Veronika Bebekh, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Veronika Bebekh
Erstellt von Veronika Bebekh vor etwa 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Unscramble the active vocabulary items from Lesson 1: 1. dnooefrestati - [blank_start]deforestation[blank_end] 2. eoonz pdeioletn - [blank_start]ozone[blank_end] [blank_start]depletion[blank_end] 3. cseeorur noeepltid - [blank_start]resourse[blank_end] [blank_start]depletion[blank_end] 4. ybiiidveorts - [blank_start]biodiversity[blank_end] 5. nocrestavnoi - [blank_start]conversation[blank_end] 6. iexttcn - [blank_start]extinct[blank_end] 7. ndpndtintereee - [blank_start]interdependent[blank_end] 8. lbvauael - [blank_start]valuable[blank_end] 9. clearnu - [blank_start]nuclear[blank_end] 10. tennnmviroe - [blank_start]environment[blank_end]
  • deforestation
  • ozone
  • depletion
  • resourse
  • depletion
  • biodiversity
  • conversation
  • extinct
  • interdependent
  • valuable
  • nuclear
  • environment

Frage 2

Complete the sentences with the active vocabulary of the lesson: resource depletion, valuable, environment, deforestation, ozone depletion, conservation, biodiversity, nuclear, extinct, interdependent 1. We are not doing enough to protect the [blank_start]environment[blank_end] from pollution. 2. A [blank_start]nuclear[blank_end] power station is being built in Belarus. 3. Cutting down the trees in the Amazon basin will lead to the [blank_start]deforestation[blank_end] of the whole area and will present a real threat to the whole mankind. 4. The consumption of the Earth's resources faster than they can be replenished is called [blank_start]resource depletion[blank_end] . 5. The purpose of Steve Irwin's life was the [blank_start]conservation[blank_end] of Australian wildlife. 6. In the 1970s scientists had a theory about [blank_start]ozone depletion[blank_end] but in 1985 they discovered a huge hole over the Antarctica. 7. [blank_start]Biodiversity[blank_end] in Amazonia is immense - the Amazon rainforest is home to 10% of the known species in the world. 8. Opposition is [blank_start]valuable[blank_end] in a democracy and in scientific disputes. 9. All living things are [blank_start]interdependent[blank_end]. 10. Many tribes became [blank_start]extinct[blank_end] when they came into contact with Western illnesses.
  • environment
  • nuclear
  • deforestation
  • resource depletion
  • conservation
  • ozone depletion
  • Biodiversity
  • valuable
  • interdependent
  • extinct
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