CBC Ottawa news quiz for the first half of 2022


How closely did you follow the first six months of 2022 in local news?
Trevor Pritchard
Quiz von Trevor Pritchard, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Trevor Pritchard
Erstellt von Trevor Pritchard vor mehr als 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Ontario Provincial Police issued a warning to people in Hawkesbury, Ont., this January that they might unknowingly be carrying what in their pockets?
  • Chewing gum that had been spiked with cannabis.
  • Fake toonies depicting a walrus instead of a polar bear.
  • Microchipped library cards that had been hacked by Russian spies.
  • Ballpoint pens that had a tendency to explode.

Frage 2

This photo was released by Ottawa police three days after a deadly Jan. 13 explosion that ultimately killed six people and was the city's worst industrial incident in decades. What did the company involved manufacture?
  • Tanker trucks.
  • Fertilizers.
  • Explosives for mining operations.
  • Paints and adhesives.

Frage 3

Who became well-known during February's Freedom Convoy protests for putting their name on a proposed class-action lawsuit that was responsible for muting widespread truck honking in Ottawa's downtown?
  • Catherine McKenney, the councillor for downtown Somerset ward.
  • Zexi Li, a 21-year-old public servant.
  • Raywat Deonandan, a University of Ottawa epidemiologist.
  • "Balcony Man," a resident who launched a profanity-laced tirade against the protesters from his apartment.

Frage 4

During the police action to remove the protesters on Feb. 18, a woman was injured — and while rumours circulated she had died, Ontario's police watchdog ultimately concluded she'd only strained her shoulder. How was she hurt?
  • A police horse knocked her over.
  • She fell off the Parliament Hill fence.
  • She was struck with a tear gas cannister.
  • Another protester hit her with his flag.

Frage 5

"I mean, a lot of famous people have sat there." What item was Robin Seguin referring to when she spoke those words in March — an item that, at the time, she was offering for sale for $1,000?
  • An antique barber chair.
  • A National Arts Centre piano bench.
  • A 19th-century saddle.
  • An ivory-accented toilet from the Château Laurier.

Frage 6

The Royal Military College in Kingston, Ont., was left in mourning after the April deaths of Officer Cadets Jack Hogarth, Andrei Honciu, Broden Murphy and Andrés Salek. How did the four die?
  • Their vehicle went into the water near Point Frederick.
  • A ferry taking them to Wolfe Island capsized.
  • Their helicopter crashed during a training exercise.
  • A tractor-trailer collided with their bus on Highway 401.

Frage 7

The powerful derecho storm on May 21 was among the worst natural disasters ever to hit the region. Derechos, however, are relatively rare. When and where did the last one occur in Canada?
  • In 1933 in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan.
  • In 1976 along a stretch of the British Columbia coastline.
  • In 1999 in northern Ontario and Quebec.
  • In 2006 on Cape Breton Island.

Frage 8

Originally derived from a Persian term meaning "town square" or "gathering place," this word lent its name to Ukraine's 2014 revolution and — eight years later — to this market in Ottawa offering goods to Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion. What is that word?
  • Slava.
  • Maidan.
  • Myr.
  • Holubtsi.

Frage 9

What ultimately unfulfilled request by the Russian Embassy did Mayor Jim Watson describe this June as "outrageous?"
  • That the city share names of any staff with Ukrainian heritage.
  • That city hall fly Russia's flag on one of the country's national holidays.
  • That Watson play a chess match against the Russian ambassador.
  • That the embassy be allowed to hold a cultural festival at Lansdowne Park.

Frage 10

The Progressive Conservatives secured another majority in June's election, winning seats at the expense of the opposition NDP. But which local riding bucked that trend — and was the ONLY one in Ontario to flip from the PCs to the New Democrats? The winning candidate, Chandra Pasma, is seen here.
  • Ottawa Centre.
  • Ottawa West-Nepean.
  • Kingston and the Islands.
  • Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry.
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