Data Flow in Data Acquisition


Quiz am Data Flow in Data Acquisition, erstellt von David Marcuno Placeres am 19/11/2015.
David Marcuno Placeres
Quiz von David Marcuno Placeres, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
David Marcuno Placeres
Erstellt von David Marcuno Placeres vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Regarding transformation between a source and a target. Which of the following objects serve as source?
  • DataSource
  • InfoSource
  • DataStore Object
  • InfoCube
  • InfoObject
  • InfoSet
  • SorceSystem
  • OpenHub

Frage 2

Regarding transformation between a source and a target. Which of the following objects serve as target?
  • DataSource
  • InfoSource
  • DataStore Object
  • InfoCube
  • InfoObject
  • InfoSet

Frage 3

InfoSources should be used in whicj pof the following scenarios?
  • If you want to execute two transformations before data is written to the Infoprovider
  • If you want to execute two transformations after data is written to the Infoprovider
  • If you want to update data from more tha one DataSource from one or more sourcesystem
  • If you want to update data from at leeast one DataSource from one or more sourcesystem
  • If you want to execute at least one transformation beforer data is written to the Infoprovider

Frage 4

Which of the following statements are true regarding the transfer routines?
  • Local Transfer routines applies locally (source system specific) for the InfoObject
  • Local and Global Transfer routines apply locally (source system specific) for the InfoObject
  • A Global Transfer Routine apply across all source system for the characteristic InfoObject and it is inlcuded in one specific transfer rule
  • A Global Transfer Routine apply across all source system for the characteristic InfoObject and it is inlcuded in all the transfer rules

Frage 5

Which of the following statements are true regarding transfer rules?
  • A local transfer routine applies for one source specific system for the InfoObject but you can included it in all transfer rules
  • A local transfer routine applies for one source specific system for the InfoObject and included only in the specific transfer rules.
  • A global transfer routine applies for all source system for the InfoObject and you can included it in all transfer rules
  • A global transfer routine applies for all source system for the InfoObject and you can included it only in the specific transfer rules.

Frage 6

The use of [blank_start]global transfer routines[blank_end] is useful if a characteristic InfoObject is always transformed with the same ABAP routine, as is the case with key harmonization or conversion checks,
  • global transfer routines
  • local transfer routines

Frage 7

If you have created a local and a global transfer routine:
  • Both are used: First the local and then the global transfer routine.
  • Both are used: First the global and then the local transfer routine.
  • Only the local is used
  • Only the global is used

Frage 8

Regarding the "start routine", which statements are true?
  • if you load the data using the PSA table you have the option of creating a start routine in the maintenance screen for the transfer rules.
  • if you load the data using I Doc you have the option of creating a start routine in the maintenance screen for the transfer rules.
  • It is not possible to use start routines for transfer rules for the 'IDoc' transfer method
  • It is possible to use start routines for transfer rules for both, IDoc and PSA transfer methods

Frage 9

Which statements are true regarding start routines?
  • It is run for each data package after the data is written to the PSA table and before the transfer rules are executed
  • It is run for all data package after the data is written to the PSA table and after the transfer rules are executed
  • It is run for all data package before the data is written to the PSA table and before the transfer rules are executed
  • It is run for all data package before the data is written to the PSA table and after the transfer rules are executed

Frage 10

Wich statements are true regarding start routines?
  • With the start routine you can change (for example, add ordelete data) or check data packages
  • With the start routine you can not change (for example, add ordelete data) but you can check data packages

Frage 11

When defining transfer rules you can choose between which transfer methods? methods
  • PSA
  • IDoc
  • Ale
  • Bapi
  • All are correct

Frage 12

The transfer method only determines how the data is transferred
  • True
  • False

Frage 13

[blank_start]PSA[blank_end] has a Maximun data record lenght of 1962 bytes and the number of fields per data record is restricted to [blank_start]255[blank_end]. However [blank_start]IDoc[blank_end] has a maximun data record lenght of 1000 bytes.
  • PSA
  • Idoc
  • 255
  • 300
  • 500
  • IDoc
  • PSA

Frage 14

At which transfer methods is referred the next asset: "It uses tRFC as transfer log and the data loading process triggered by a request IDoc (= special Info IDoc)"
  • IDoc
  • PSA
  • Ale
  • Bapi

Frage 15

At which of the following transfer methods is referred the following statement? "Uses of data IDoc"
  • PSA
  • IDOC

Frage 16

What are adventages of PSA transfer method?
  • Improved data load performance as larger data packages can be transferred
  • Hierarchy upload
  • Optional PSA tables can be used as inbound storage locations as this allows Error handling in BI to be used
  • Delete logs created by control record and status record in data IDoc

Frage 17

What are adventages of IDoc transfer method?
  • Improved data load performance as larger data packages can be transferred
  • Hierarchy upload
  • Optional PSA tables can be used as inbound storage locations as this allows Error handling in BI to be used
  • Delete logs created by control record and status record in data IDoc

Frage 18

[blank_start]PSA[blank_end] has the disaventage that it has restricted used of hierarchy upload and [blank_start]IDOC[blank_end] that is no error handling in BI
  • PSA
  • IDoC
  • IDoc
  • PSA

Frage 19

which of the following assestments are true regarding PSA and IDoc?
  • With the IDoc transfer method you have to make sure that the data stores in the ALE inbound and outbound processing is emptied or reorganized.
  • With the PSA transfer method you have to make sure that you manage both the PSA tables (providing these are used), and the data stores in the ALE inbound and outbound processing for the Info IDocs.
  • With the exception of 'hierarchy' type BI Content DataSources, all the others (including generic DataSources such as 'hierarchy' type flat file DataSources) support the PSA transfer method.
  • The key for a PSA table is made up of a request, data package and data record number.

Frage 20

You create update rules in the context menu for the respective InfoProvider in the Data Warehousing Workbench. Which kind of Infoproviders can be used as data target here?
  • Open Hub
  • Infoset
  • All InfoObject
  • InfoObject (Text and Attributes)
  • All DSO
  • All Infocubes
  • Standard DSO
  • Standard Infocubes

Frage 21

Which of the following statements are Update Methods?
  • Source InfoObject
  • Splitting Key Figures/ data Fields/ Attributes Texts
  • Constant
  • Formula
  • Reading Master Data Attributes
  • Initial Value
  • ABAP Routine

Frage 22

Which of the following statements are true regarding upadte Method?
  • Assigning a constant allows you to fill an InfoObject in the data target with a fixed value.
  • Assigning a initial value allows you to fill an InfoObject in the data target with a fixed value.
  • If the initial value is selected as the Data Sources, the characteristic InfoObject (Standard InfoCube) or the key field (DataStore object/characteristic InfoObject) is updated with the initial value of the respective Data Sources. This does not mean that a value is omitted in the update, but that the values 'SPACE' (with alphanumeric field types) or '0' (with numeric field types) are updated.
  • If the initial value is selected as the Data Sources, the characteristic InfoObject (Standard InfoCube) or the key field (DataStore object/characteristic InfoObject) is updated with the initial value of the respective Data Sources. This does mean that a value is omitted in the update.

Frage 23

A characteristic InfoObject/data field/attribute in the data target is updated by reading data in the master data table of a characteristic InfoObject that is part of the InfoSource and has the characteristic InfoObject/data field/attribute as an attribute. If this relationship does not exist, master data can only be read with the help of an ABAP routine.
  • True
  • False

Frage 24

Regarding "Migration to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Data Transformation Process": You have the option to export the 3.x objects, DataSource 3.x, mapping and transfer structure during the migration so that these objects can be restored. The collected and serialized objects are stored in a local table ([blank_start]RSDSEXPORT[blank_end]). The migration is now eligible to be transported into the target system

Frage 25

You have the option to implement self-defined functions in the transformation library of the formula builder. You can integrate existing function modules in these self-defined functions. The Business Add-In [blank_start]RSAR_CONNECTOR[blank_end] is available for this.

Frage 26

Which of the following statements are true regarding transformations?
  • Do not use formulas for VirtualProviders because inversion is not allowed for them. Use routines in this case.
  • You can use Formulas for VirtualProviders too since inversion si allowed for them.
  • Do not use formulas neider routines for VirtualProviders because inversion is not allowed for them.
  • You can use Formulas for VirtualProviders too since inversion si allowed for them, but not routines in this case

Frage 27

Regarding transformation of "Reading Master data", which of the following statements are true?
  • It is possible to read recursively, that is, to read additional attributes for the attribute of the main characteristic
  • It is not possible to read recursively, that is, to read additional attributes for the attribute of the main characteristic. You have to use routines for this.

Frage 28

Which of the following statments are true regarding "Reading master data" in transformation?
  • If you have changed master data, you have to execute the change run. By reading the master data, the active version is read. If this is not avalaible, an error is raised.
  • If an attribute is time dependent, you also have to define when it should be read: at the current (system date), at the beginning or end of a period (defined by a time characteristic of the InfoSource), or at a constant date that you enter dirtectly. System date is used as the default
  • If an attribute is time dependent, you also have to define when it should be read: at the current (system date), at the beginning or end of a period (defined by a time characteristic of the InfoSource), or at a constant date that you enter dirtectly. End of a period date is used as the default
  • If an attribute is time dependent, you also have to define when it should be read: at the current (system date), at the beginning or end of a period (defined by a time characteristic of the InfoSource), or at a constant date that you enter dirtectly. A constant date is used as the default

Frage 29

Which of the following statements are true regarding "routines"?
  • Transformation rules generally only have one returns value, but If you select "Return Table", you can then generate any number of values from data records
  • Transformation rules only have one returns value.
  • For DSO and IO you cannot use the return code in the routine for data fields that are updated by being overwriitten. If you don't want to update specific records, you can delete these form the start routine.
  • For DSO and IO you cannot use the return code in the routine for data fields that are updated by being "Adittiion". If you don't want to update specific records, you can delete these form the start routine.

Frage 30

When performing a time update, automatic time conversion and time distribution are available in transformation process. Which of the following statements are true?
  • Time Conversion is not available for DataStore objects, since time characteristics are treated as normal data fields. The system only presents you with the time characteristics for which an automatic time conversion routine exists.
  • Time Conversion is not available for InfCubes, since time characteristics are treated as normal data fields. The system only presents you with the time characteristics for which an automatic time conversion routine exists.
  • Time Conversion is not available for InfoObject, since time characteristics are treated as normal data fields. The system only presents you with the time characteristics for which an automatic time conversion routine exists.

Frage 31

Which of the following statements are true regarding "Start Rutine"?
  • The start routine does not have a return value.
  • It is used to perform preliminary calculations and store these in a global data structure or in a table
  • The start routine does not have a table or structure value.
  • It is used to perform preliminary calculations and store these in a return value

Frage 32

Which of the following statements are true regarding "Start Rutine"?
  • It is used to prepare data before transformation
  • It is used to prepare data after transformation
  • package -based, semantic packaging possible
  • package -based, semantic packaging not possible

Frage 33

Which routine is necessary if you want " delete records that are not required for updating before transformation?
  • Start Routine
  • End Routine
  • Expert Routine
  • start and End Routine

Frage 34

Which routine is necessary if you want " delete records that are not required for updating after transformation?
  • Start Routine
  • End Routine
  • Expert Routine
  • Start and End Routine

Frage 35

Which routine is the appropiate to use buffering tables into internal tables that can be used for the transformation rules (rather than reading the database tables one by one) for performance reasons.
  • Start Routine
  • End Routine
  • Expert Routine
  • Global Routine

Frage 36

An [blank_start]end routine[blank_end] is a routine with a table in the target structure format as an input parameter and an output parameter.
  • end routine
  • start routine
  • expert routine

Frage 37

Which routine type is necessary if you want to delete a particular type of material "refund" after transformation?
  • Start Routine
  • End Routine
  • Expert Routine

Frage 38

Which type of routine is necessary to validate records after transformation like "Sales value > Purchase Values"?
  • Start Routine
  • End Routine
  • Expert Routine

Frage 39

You can use the [blank_start]expert routine[blank_end] if there are not sufficient functions to perform a transformation. You can use it as an interim solution until the necessary functions are available in the standard routine. You can use this to program the transformation yourself without using the available rule types. You must implement the message transfer to the monitor yourself.
  • expert routine
  • start routine
  • end routine

Frage 40

Which type of routine is necessary when we need to use for "transformations that cannot be expressed declaratively for functional or performance reasons"
  • expert routine
  • start routine
  • end routine

Frage 41

Which type of routine you need to use when, for performance reason, reading several database tables can be implemented faster when knowing the application logic (rather than using the generic transformation framework )
  • Start Routine
  • End Routine
  • Expert Routine

Frage 42

If you traspose a wide data records into several smaller records (Pivoting), which routine do you need to implement?
  • Start Routine
  • End Routine
  • Expert Routine

Frage 43

Which of the following statements are true regarding routines?
  • If you have already created transformation rules, the system deletes them once you have created an expert routine.
  • If you have already created transformation rules, the system deletes them once you have created a start routine
  • If you have already created transformation rules, the system deletes them once you have created an end routine.
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