AP World History Test: Chapters 12 & 13


I dont have the answer to # 26
Pedro Untalan
Quiz von Pedro Untalan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Pedro Untalan
Erstellt von Pedro Untalan vor fast 9 Jahre

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Frage 1

As a means of continuing to spread the Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan used all except which of the following means to expand and control his territories?
  • Incorporation of non-Mongol armies
  • Use of subordinate generals
  • Horses and iron weaponry
  • Collection of tribute
  • Diplomatic negotiation

Frage 2

After rejection by his family for the title of Great Khan, Khubilai formed
  • the Golden Horde
  • the Central Asian Khanate
  • Il-Khan Empire of Iran
  • the Yuan Empire in China and Siberia
  • he was assassinated by political rivals

Frage 3

Tax farming in the Il-Khan state was
  • the payment of taxes solely by farmers
  • the sale of tax-collecting contracts to small corporations
  • the exemption granted to farmers from taxation
  • the growth of a new cash crop
  • the raising of crops on government land to pay for government expenses

Frage 4

What economic problems did Russia see during the tome pf Mongol domination?
  • Overzealous tax collection by Russian princes
  • The burden of taxation carried by the peasantry
  • The attempt to introduce paper money by the Mongols
  • Direct exchange of goods rather than purchases in currency
  • All of these

Frage 5

What was the most lasting impact of the Mongols on China?
  • The Mongols introduced Buddhism to China
  • The Mongols permanently reunited China after a prolonged period of political fragmentation
  • The Chinese government system was invented by the Mongols
  • The Mongols bought silk and porcelain production to China
  • The Mongols built the Great Wall

Frage 6

After the introduction of paper money in China caused economic instability, the Mongols restored a degree of economic stability by producing copper coinage and:
  • Decreasing tax collection temporarily
  • Shifting the emphasis of coinage to silver instead of other metals
  • Cutting off trade with Japan to stem the flow of copper exports
  • Diversifying trade agreements with western Europe
  • Creating a favored nation trade status with whichever nation would agree to reduced tariffs

Frage 7

Which of the following is an aspect of Mongol rule that created hardship and a sharp population decrease in China?
  • Migration and flooding of the Yellow River
  • Warfare
  • Bubonic plague
  • Female infanticide
  • All of the above

Frage 8

In 1368, the Yuan Empire was overthrown and replaced by the
  • Manchu Empire
  • Yi Kingdom
  • Ming Empire
  • Song Empire
  • Tang Empire

Frage 9

To demonstrate their rejection of the Mongols, the Ming emperors, starting with Hongwu,
  • Severed relations with the Middle East and Central Asia and closed the borders to foreigners
  • Built the Great Wall of China and deported all Mongols
  • Changed the official language from Mongolian to Chinese
  • Marched all the Mongols to the Korean border
  • Formed close ties with the Manchu instead

Frage 10

Because Mongols controlled access to the Silk Road after the overthrow of the Yuan, the emperor Yongle put an emphasis on
  • Maritime trade connecting with Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean
  • Overland trade through India and Arabia
  • Trade through Buddhist monasteries
  • Trans-Pacific exploration
  • None of these; trade decreased because people could not afford to travel by Silk Road and pay Mongol tariffs

Frage 11

Zheng He's primary accomplishment was
  • Converting barbarians to Islam
  • Discovering new lands in the East
  • Bringing wealth to China
  • Acquiring Ming tributary states
  • Discovering the Philippines

Frage 12

The relationship between the leading family in Korea, the Koryo family, and the Mongols was that
  • They were mutually hostile
  • The Koryo kings were of mostly Mongol descent and royal families became attached and loyal to the Mongols
  • The Koryo family revolted against the Mongols and expelled them from Korea
  • The Mongols considered the Koryo family and all Koreans "barbarians"
  • Of parents and children, with the Koryo family as parents

Frage 13

The rise of literacy in Korea resulted from the
  • Combination of an improved printing system and the hang's writing system
  • Institution of a university system
  • Spread of woodblock printing from China and the Mongol writing system
  • Imposition of Japanese rule, which forced the formation of public schools
  • Popularity of Islam, which required that all Muslims read the Quran

Frage 14

What prevented the Mongols from invading Japan?
  • The Mongols feared the samurai military prowess
  • The jungle heat prevented their horses from continuing
  • A storm prevented them from establishing a base
  • Mongol tactics were no match for the Japanese military technology
  • The Japanese launched a surprise attack on the Mongol naval base

Frage 15

How did the threat of Mongol invasion affect Japan?
  • Japanese clans took political control of their regions
  • Japanese merchants lost huge sums of money in the Mongolian markets
  • Japanese monks were held hostage
  • The Japanese military government spent a lot of time building coastal defenses, and training and outfitting their warriors
  • Japan reinstated direct imperial rule

Frage 16

What caused the end of serfdom in western Europe?
  • The Black Death
  • The rise of popular literature
  • The rise of cities
  • The decimated agricultural productivity of the early 14th century
  • Emancipation after participating in the Hundred Years' War

Frage 17

The three-field system was
  • The traditional three-part contest performed by knights
  • The legal system
  • The political relationship between king, lord, and serf
  • The technology used in medieval optics
  • An agricultural method

Frage 18

Which of the following was not a social result of the Black Death epidemic?
  • A demand by laborers for higher pay
  • A call for democracy
  • Peasant revolutions
  • An increase in per capita production
  • An end of serfdom for all intents and purposes

Frage 19

Which of the following is not true of trading cities in Europe during the Middle Ages?
  • They were unable to produce products to compete with Asian prodcuts
  • They offered people more social freedom than rural places
  • They were often "chartered cities" where residents could claim freedom
  • They were able to quickly adapt to changing market conditions
  • They were home to most of Europe's Jews

Frage 20

Guilds, which came to dominate medieval European life, were
  • A band of knights without ties to a lord
  • An association of craft specialists from the same trade
  • An order of monks
  • A unit of currency in use throughout the Latin West
  • A measurement of distance

Frage 21

The Renaissance began in
  • Eastern France
  • Southern England
  • Southern Russia
  • Austria
  • Northern Italy

Frage 22

Latin Europe regained some of the "lost knowledge" of the Greek and Arab world when works by Plato and Aristotle came into the Latin West through:
  • The recapture of Northern Germany from the Huns
  • The recapture of Southern Italy from the Byzantines and of Sicily and Toledo from the Muslims
  • Contact with the court of Khubilai Khan
  • The discovery of the remains of the Library of Alexandria
  • The lively trade in classical antiquities

Frage 23

The two new religious orders in the 13th century that lent themselves to teaching and preaching to the common people were:
  • Benedictines and Cappucines
  • Ursine and Jesuit
  • Dominican and Franciscans
  • Carmelites and Cistercians
  • Augustinian and Josephite

Frage 24

The most notable work in Scholasticism, the Summa Theologica, was written by:
  • Geoffrey Chaucer
  • Thomas Aquinas
  • Dante Aligheri
  • Jan Hus
  • Peter Abelard

Frage 25

One of the significant features of the growth of literature in the 14th-15th century was
  • The development of epic poetry
  • The composition of literature in Latin
  • The Incorporation of political criticism
  • The composition of literature in the vernacular
  • The inclusion of common people in literary tales

Frage 26

Which of the following statements about the Magna Carta is not true?
  • It affirmed that monarchs are subject to established law
  • It confirmed the independence of the church and the city of London
  • It gave new rights to the peasants
  • It means "Great Charter"
  • It guranteed the nobles hereditary rights

Frage 27

The Great Western Schism originated over
  • Whether the seat of Catholicism should be in Rome or Constantinople
  • Whether or not women could be priests
  • Rival papal claimants between Avignon and Rome
  • Whether or not priests could be married
  • The formation of different types of monasteries (Franciscan, Dominican, Cappucin, etc.)

Frage 28

Which of the following is true of "new monarchies" in Europe between 1450-1600
  • The primary nations were England, France, and Spain
  • It increased centralized power within largely fixed geographic limits
  • It increased control over powerful noble families
  • They relied on full-time armies paid for through taxes
  • All of these

Frage 29

Spain and Portugal's "reconquest" and political consolidation of the Iberian peninsula was designed to recapture land from
  • Muslims
  • Protestants
  • Peasants
  • Slaves
  • Africans

Frage 30

By 1500, the English Parliament
  • had been disbanded by King John
  • Had overthrown the king and gained complete governmental authority
  • Had become a permanent part of English government
  • Had yet to be officially formed
  • Had been disbanded
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