Multiple Choice Quiz -L2


Lesson 2 Quiz
Alfredo Alvarado
Quiz von Alfredo Alvarado, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Alfredo Alvarado
Erstellt von Alfredo Alvarado vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Which of the following actions need to happen in order to be able to give or take control of sharing session in Skype?
  • Establishing a sharing session meeting
  • Contacting IT and open a trouble ticket
  • Join a social network

Frage 2

Where is the sharing toolbar located at?
  • At the bottom of screen in your sharing session meeting window
  • At the right side of the screen in your sharing session meeting window
  • At the top of the screen in your sharing session meeting window

Frage 3

Which of the following statements describes the steps to give control of a sharing session in Skype?
  • Select the sharing toolbar, click give control and select the person you want to give control to
  • Select the windows start task, click on devices and select add a new device
  • Select the internet browser icon, click on the browsers’ toolbar and type search
  • None of the above

Frage 4

What are the two steps to take control back during a desktop sharing session in Skype?
  • Click on give control option and select take control back
  • Click in the windows start task and type take control back
  • Open the internet browser and type take control
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