Part 7 US History EOC


Part 7 US History EOC
Quiz von april.robinson.s, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von april.robinson.s vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

In 1991, one of the reasons President George H. W. Bush committed United States troops to the Persian Gulf War was to
  • maintain the flow of trade through the Suez Canal
  • fulfill military obligations as a member of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • contain the spread of communism in the Middle East
  • assure the flow of Middle East oil to the United States and its allies

Frage 2

“Clinton Offers Economic Aid to Russia” “U.S. Sends Peacekeeping Troops to Bosnia” “U.S. Airlifts Food and Medicine to Somalia” These headlines illustrate that United States foreign policy during the 1990s stressed
  • containment
  • collective security
  • global involvement
  • neutrality

Frage 3

• Operation Desert Storm (1991) • Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003 – present) These events involve attempts by the United States to
  • protect human rights in Europe
  • protect its interests in the Middle East
  • deliver humanitarian aid to Africa
  • contain the spread of communism in Asia

Frage 4

A major goal of the women’s movement over the past twenty years has been to gain
  • full property rights
  • the right to vote
  • equal economic opportunity
  • better access to Social Security

Frage 5

Base your answers to the question on the table to the left and on your knowledge of social studies. The data included in the table suggest that since 1971
  • boys are losing interest in participating in sport
  • participation in sports by boys and girls is nearly equal
  • girls’ participation in sports equals that of boys
  • girls’ participation in sports is increasing at a faster rate than that of boys

Frage 6

Base your answer to the questions on the table to the left and on your knowledge of social studies. Which development contributed most to the changes shown in the table?
  • passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • inclusion of Title IX in the Education Amendments of 1972
  • the beginning of Head Start programs in the 1960s
  • increase in the number of nonpublic schools since the 1970s

Frage 7

The Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade (1973) was based on the constitutional principle of
  • protection of property rights
  • freedom of speech
  • right to privacy
  • freedom of religion

Frage 8

“Influence of Political Action Committees Continues to Rise” “Republicans and Democrats Spend over $100 Million in 2000 Presidential Election” “Senate Passes Campaign Finance Reform Act” What is the central issue of these headlines?
  • Republicans and Democrats spend equal amounts of money.
  • American citizens pay high taxes to support presidential campaigns.
  • Money has a strong impact on the American political process.
  • Candidates spend much of their own money on political campaigns.

Frage 9

The federal government enforced the antitrust laws in court cases against Microsoft in an effort to
  • increase business competition
  • nationalize important industries
  • improve public trust in corporate leaders
  • generate more investment capital

Frage 10

Base your answer to the question on the table to the left and on your knowledge of social studies. Which practice of the federal government has contributed most to the situation shown in the table?
  • taking steps to reduce growth of the gross domestic product
  • raising taxes to try to reduce inflation
  • spending more money than is received in revenues
  • lowering taxes during election years

Frage 11

“. . . Our decision about energy will test the character of the American people and the ability of the President and the Congress to govern. This difficult effort will be the ‘moral equivalent of war’ – except that we will be uniting our efforts to build and not to destroy. . .” – President Jimmy Carter, Address to the Nation, April 18, 1977 President Carter put these ideas into practice by
  • halting construction of nuclear power plants
  • increasing imports of foreign oil
  • urging the development of alternative fuel sources
  • imposing a price freeze on all petroleum products

Frage 12

A major policy of President Ronald Reagan’s administration was to
  • reduce defense spending
  • lower federal income tax rates
  • end desegregation of public facilities
  • promote regulation of small businesses

Frage 13

President Bill Clinton supported the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) primarily as a way to
  • normalize trade relations with Cuba
  • stimulate economic growth in the United States
  • restrict the flow of drugs into the United States
  • increase the United States trade deficit

Frage 14

Base your answer to the question on the cartoon to the left and on your knowledge of social studies. What is the main idea of this cartoon?
  • The global economy is on the verge of collapse.
  • Rich nations should help poor nations improve their economic conditions.
  • One nation’s economic problems affect many other nations.
  • Each nation controls its own economic destiny.

Frage 15

Since 1980, most new jobs in the United States have been in
  • education
  • heavy industry
  • service industries
  • civil service

Frage 16

The loss of jobs in manufacturing industries has been caused by the introduction of
  • radio and television
  • automobiles and airplanes
  • automation and computers
  • improved medicine and space travel

Frage 17

Base your answer to the question on the cartoon to the left and on your knowledge of social studies. The cartoonist is critical of computers mainly because
  • important personal records are frequently lost
  • personal information may no longer be private
  • computers are becoming more difficult to use
  • computer technology becomes obsolete too quickly

Frage 18

Social scientists use the expression “the graying of America” to describe the
  • aging of the nation’s population
  • declining political power of older Americans
  • possible failure of the Social Security System
  • increasing number of babies born to older couples

Frage 19

A major goal of the Republican Party since the 1980s has been to
  • increase welfare benefits
  • increase the size of the federal workforce
  • reduce defense spending
  • cut federal taxes

Frage 20

Base your answer to the question on the graph to the left and on your knowledge of social studies. Information provided by the graph shows that between 1988 and 1993, there was an increased need for candidates of major political parties to win the support of
  • ethnic minorities
  • senior citizens
  • independent voters
  • the labor vote

Frage 21

Base your answer to the question on the cartoon to the left and on your knowledge of social studies. The point of view expressed in this cartoon is that
  • President and Mrs. Clinton have made Chicago their new home
  • President Clinton supports adoption over abortion
  • Republican issues should not be part of the Democratic National Convention
  • Democrats sometimes support traditionally Republican issues

Frage 22

Which statement about the impeachment trials of both President Andrew Johnson and President Bill Clinton is most accurate?
  • The House of Representatives failed to vote for articles of impeachment.
  • Only President Johnson was convicted and removed from office.
  • Only President Clinton was convicted and removed from office.
  • The Senate failed to convict either president.

Frage 23

Base your answer to the question on the cartoon to the left and on your knowledge of social studies. This cartoon from the disputed presidential election of 2000 suggests that the winner might
  • lack strong popular support for his programs
  • easily win reelection in 2004
  • succeed in fulfilling his campaign promises
  • be unable to claim victory in the electoral college

Frage 24

The main goal of affirmative action programs is to
  • enforce racial segregation laws
  • secure equal voting rights for African Americans
  • provide affordable child care
  • promote economic gains for minorities and women

Frage 25

Base your answer to the question on the cartoon to the left and on your knowledge of social studies. According to the cartoonist, the United States has
  • an ethnically diverse population
  • an overly restrictive immigration policy
  • a national requirement that high school students learn foreign languages
  • a census report printed in languages that are spoken in the United States

Frage 26

During the 1990s, an increase in Mexican immigration to the United States was caused by the immigrants’ desire for
  • greater political freedom
  • bilingual education
  • better economic opportunities
  • religious freedom

Frage 27

Base your answer to the question on the cartoon to the left and on your knowledge of social studies. What Native American Indian viewpoint does the cartoonist support?
  • Illegal immigrants should not be allowed to settle on Native American Indian reservations
  • European settlers took Native American Indian land.
  • Government efforts to restrict immigration should be supported.
  • Native American Indians support government efforts to stop illegal immigration.

Frage 28

Base your answer to the question on the cartoon to the left and on your knowledge of social studies. Which issue is the central focus of this cartoon drawn after September 11, 2001?
  • Is there a need to give up some civil liberties to protect the nation?
  • Should the United States reduce oil imports from the Middle East?
  • Does the United States need fewer limits on immigration?
  • Should the United States abandon the Constitution?
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