OTHY101: Week 8 PEOP Quiz


This is a required preparatory tutorial activity - you have unlimited opportunities to complete the activity and get 100%!
Cheryl Kotzur
Quiz von Cheryl Kotzur, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Cheryl Kotzur
Erstellt von Cheryl Kotzur vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

The official title for the PEOP model is:
  • Person- Environment - Occupational- Performance Model
  • Performance - Enablement - Occupational - Participation Model
  • Participation - Enablement - Occupational-Performance Model
  • Person-Environment - Occupation - Performance Model

Frage 2

Who developed the PEOP model?
  • Developed by Gary Keilhofner in the USA
  • Developed by Charles Christiansen, Carolyn Baum & Julie Bass in the USA
  • Developed by Michael Iwama in Japan
  • Developed by Elizabeth Townsend and Helene Polatatjako

Frage 3

Which of the following responses is not true. The PEOP model:
  • Supports client centred practice
  • Is considered an ecological-transactional systems model
  • Adopts a bottom up approach to understanding occupation
  • Focuses on the client and relevant intrinsic/ extrinsic influences on everyday occupations

Frage 4

The PEOP model understands narrative as:
  • Important background information from the client in a story format that describes the perception of the current situation and is used to establish goals.
  • The story or report of connected events, real or imaginary, presented in a sequence of written or spoken words
  • The result of a dynamic interwoven relationship between a person, their environment and occupation over a person's lifespan, given contextual meaning and value by their culture
  • A conscious reflection of one's life to determine the meaning and priorities for the therapeutic relationship

Frage 5

The person factors of the PEOP include:
  • Affective, Spirituality, Psychological, Social, Physical, Cognition
  • Physical, Cognition, Physiological, Sensory, Motor, Pschological
  • Sensory, Cognition, Psychological, Physiological,Motor, Spirituality
  • Personality, Spirituality, Physical, Emotional, Cognition, Sensory

Frage 6

Within the PEOP model, the 'environment' heading has a number of sub headings. What are they?
  • physical and natural environment, institutional, culture, education, family
  • assistive technology, education and policy, physical and natural, culture, social determinants, social support and social capital
  • culture, physical, work, natural, policy, education, social networks
  • political, economic, physical, social, cultural, natural, education

Frage 7

Which list explains the PEOP model view of occupations?
  • Participation, engagement, performance, occupations
  • Task, activity, body functions, actions
  • occupations, tasks, actions, voluntary movement or mental processes
  • Roles, activities, tasks, actions

Frage 8

The PEOP understands occupational performance as:
  • The doing that enables participation (engagement) in everyday life that contributes to well being (health and quality of life)
  • Involvement for being, becoming and belonging as well as for performing or doing occupations
  • The ability to choose, organise and satisfactorily perform occupations that are culturally defined and age appropriate for looking after one's self, enjoying life, and contributing to the social and economic fabric of a community
  • The outcome of the transaction of the person, the environment and the occupation

Frage 9

According to the PEOP model, what would an electric wheelchair be considered?
  • an intrinsic factor
  • an enabling assistive technology factor
  • a person enabling factor
  • a social capital factor

Frage 10

According to the PEOP, what would insomnia be considered to be?
  • A self care occupation that is part of many roles
  • A person factor (physiological) that can be a disabler
  • An external factor that restricts performance
  • A participation area of concern

Frage 11

Which of the following statements is not true. The PEOP model is similar to the MOHO as they both:
  • Recognise the value of a client's routines and habits
  • Adopt a client centred approach
  • Are considered systems theories
  • Recognise the value of therapeutic use of self

Frage 12

Which of the following is considered a unique aspect of the PEOP?
  • A hierarchical structure of occupations including roles
  • Volition, Habituation, Performance Capacity
  • A difference between occupational performance and engagement
  • Including Spirituality in the model

Frage 13

Sally met with her therapist and started to the tell him about her life, what she was doing before her accident and what she was struggling with. The PEOP would consider this:
  • Her expression of spirituality
  • Occupational performance, participation and well being
  • Sally's unique person disabling factors
  • Her narrative

Frage 14

Sally identified with her occupational therapist the difficulty picking her daughter up, making her breakfast and driving her to school. The PEOP would explain this as:
  • Sally experiencing difficulty with extrinsic factors (acting as disabling factors)
  • Sally experiencing difficulty with intrinsic factors (acting as restrictive barriers)
  • Sally's participation and well-being being restricted by occupational performance
  • Sally experiencing difficulty with actions, tasks and activities that are part of her role as mother

Frage 15

Sally identified that being a mother gives her life a sense of meaning, purpose and value. How would the PEOP identify this ?
  • As the key to well being
  • As part of her spirituality
  • As a starting point for the therapeutic relationship
  • A means of reconstructing life and identity

Frage 16

How would the ICF's definition of a body structure (visual impairment) be classified using the PEOP?
  • A physical problem
  • A restriction to participation
  • A sensory person factor
  • A physical environment factor

Frage 17

The PEOP is a contemporary biomedical model
  • True
  • False

Frage 18

According to the PEOP, the person can be an individual person, an organization or a population
  • True
  • False

Frage 19

3 key constructs of the PEOP include:
  • Engagement, Performance, Occupation
  • Participation, Performance, Well-being
  • Narrative, Engagement, Occupation
  • Person, Well-being, Personal Causation

Frage 20

The PEOP model is based on what type of theory
  • Behavioural Theory
  • Constructivist Theory
  • Client Centred Theory
  • Systems Theory
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