Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Frage 1
Slim is a 'Jerkline Skinner', in control of a team of horses, and is seen as the leading worker in the bunk house
Slim is an ambitious worker on the ranch, he has a problem with gambling but makes up for it with the effort he puts into his work on the ranch
Slim is the bosses right hand man, capable of making descisions for the boss, telling him what to do and what not to do.
Frage 2
What is Slim Quoted as being?
'A Proud, Aloof man... His eyes... Seemed to glitter with intensity... He had thin, pain tightened lips.'
A 'Tall, Stoop shouldered old man'
He 'Aint a nice fella'
He is 'Godlike' and 'moved with majesty'
Frage 3
Where did Slim first meet George and Lennie
In the Bunkhouse
Out in the field
At old susy's
In the Bosses Office
Frage 4
Slims Hands were described as being,
'His bear like hands were capable of crushing a human skull, yet were precise and delecate'
'Small, Crippled hands, incapable of performing simple tasks like holding a broom'
There was nothing Significant at all about his hands
'Large and lean, were delecate in their action as thoes of a temple dancer'
Frage 5
which of the following is true?
He orders Lennie to fight back against Curley
Slim gave a Puppy to Lennie
He creates tension in the bunkhouse
Frage 6
Which of the following is true?
He is picked on by Curley, the bosses son
He had a lifetime abition to be a movie star
Slim agrees that Candys dog must be killed
Frage 7
Which of the following is not true?
Slim makes Curley promise not to blame Lennie for hurting his hand
He discovers the dead body of Curleys wife in the barn
Slim is the one that checks to see if Curley's wife is dead
Slim comforts George for having killed Lennie