Html elements in english language


Quiz am Html elements in english language, erstellt von philipp pape am 27/10/2016.
philipp pape
Quiz von philipp pape, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
philipp pape
Erstellt von philipp pape vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Which element represents the root of an HTML document?
  • <header>
  • <html>
  • <*>
  • <main>
  • <head>

Frage 2

Fill the gaps to complete the text. The elements <[blank_start]h1[blank_end]>, <[blank_start]h2[blank_end]>, <[blank_start]h3[blank_end]>, <[blank_start]h4[blank_end]>, <[blank_start]h5[blank_end]>, <[blank_start]h6[blank_end]> define the header of different hierarchies. There are six different hierarchy levels, where <[blank_start]h1[blank_end]> is the main heading, and <[blank_start]h6[blank_end]> is the bottom level heading. A heading briefly describes the topic of the section to which it is heading. The following paragraph is awarded with the <p> element. A longer standalone quote is awarded with a <[blank_start]blockquote[blank_end]> element. A short quotation within a text is marked with <[blank_start]q[blank_end]>. A link is awarded the <[blank_start]a[blank_end]> element.
  • h1
  • h2
  • h3
  • h4
  • h5
  • h6
  • h1
  • h6
  • blockquote
  • q
  • a

Frage 3

For which element is this description? "A substantive section that is larger than an article." Choose one of the following
  • <figure>
  • <section>
  • <div>
  • <p>

Frage 4

What is the correct basic framework of an HTML page? Choose one of the following:
  • <main><head></head><body></bod<></main>
  • <header></header><body></body>
  • <html><head></head><body></body></html>
  • <head></head><main><body></body><footer></footer></main>

Frage 5

How can external CSS files be integrated into an HTML page?
  • Styles must always be defined within the html page.
  • CSS files can be embedded using the <style> element.
  • External style files can be included with the <link> element.

Frage 6

Which element represents a section that contains only navigation links.
  • <aside>
  • <menue>
  • <nav>
  • <header>

Frage 7

Fill the gaps to complete the text: The <[blank_start]em[blank_end]> element stands for highlighted text. <[blank_start]Strong[blank_end]> highlights particularly important, highly emphasized text. The <[blank_start]i[blank_end]> element represents a section of text, which is derived from the rest of the content and is usually displayed in italics, without a special emphasis or importance, ie an integrated distinction. The <[blank_start]b[blank_end]> element stands for a text section, which is offset from the rest of the content and is usually displayed in bold, without a special emphasis or importance. This may be, for example, a keyword or a product name in a product evaluation. <[blank_start]U[blank_end]> Represents a section of text that is offset from the rest of the content and is usually underlined, without any particular emphasis or importance. This could be, for example, a proper name or a text section that is often spelled incorrectly.
  • em
  • Strong
  • i
  • b
  • U

Frage 8

Lists can be distinguished in different ways: <[blank_start]ol[blank_end]> defines a list where the entries must have a certain order. <[blank_start]ul[blank_end]>, on the other hand, defines a list of disordered entries. <[blank_start]li[blank_end]> indicates a list entry. This is often preceded by a bullet.
  • ol
  • ul
  • li

Frage 9

To include an image that is part of the content, use the <[blank_start]figure[blank_end]> element. A corresponding caption is awarded <[blank_start]figcaption[blank_end]>.
  • figure
  • figcaption

Frage 10

The basic structure of an Html 5 page is as follows: Within the root element <[blank_start]html[blank_end]> are the two necessary elements <[blank_start]head[blank_end]> and <[blank_start]body[blank_end]>. The <[blank_start]body[blank_end]> element contains all the contents of the page. It is often divided into content sections. The <[blank_start]header[blank_end]> element defines the header of a page or section. It often contains a logo, the title of the site, and the site navigation. The main part of a page is enclosed by the <[blank_start]main[blank_end]> element. For a marginal note, which is not directly related to the main text, use the <aside> element. The rest of the content should also be understandable when this element is removed. The foot part of a page or section often contains copyright notices, a link to the imprint or contact address, and is clothed in the <[blank_start]footer[blank_end]> element.
  • html
  • head
  • body
  • body
  • header
  • main
  • footer

Frage 11

The <[blank_start]article[blank_end]> element encloses a content article, which can contain several paragraphs but is less than a <[blank_start]section[blank_end]> element.
  • article
  • section

Frage 12

<[blank_start]small[blank_end]> stands for the "small print" of a document, such as exclusion clauses, copyright notices or other things that are not absolutely necessary for the understanding of the document.
  • small

Frage 13

<h3> Football table <h3> <[blank_start]ol[blank_end]> <[blank_start]li[blank_end]> Bayern München </[blank_start]li[blank_end]> <[blank_start]li[blank_end]> Leipzig </[blank_start]li[blank_end]> <[blank_start]li[blank_end]> Dortmund </[blank_start]li[blank_end]> </[blank_start]ol[blank_end]>
  • ol
  • li
  • li
  • li
  • li
  • li
  • li
  • ol

Frage 14

What do I select exactly when I write the following selector: p {}
  • All elements of class p
  • The first paragraph of the website
  • All paragraphs within the first parent element
  • All paragraphs of the html document.

Frage 15

With which character is an id selector indicated?
  • *
  • .
  • #
  • i
  • _

Frage 16

By which spelling I can address all p and q elements?
  • p + q
  • p > q
  • p q
  • p, q

Frage 17

By what spelling can I address all q elements that are within p elements?
  • p > q
  • p q
  • q, p
  • q > p

Frage 18

What is the difference between the expressions "div p" and "div> p"?
  • The second example selects only the direct children of a div, but not those that are nested within the divs in other elements.
  • Both expressions select the same.
  • The first example selects only the direct children of a div, but not those that are within the divs in other elements.
  • The first example selects all divs and ps.

Frage 19

Which expression selects all paragraphs that follow directly a h3 heading?
  • h3 p
  • h3>p
  • h3+p
  • h3,p

Frage 20

How to select all the ul elements preceded by a p-element?
  • p>ul
  • p ul
  • p ~ ul
  • p+ul
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