Internet search quiz


Quiz on how search engines work
Samuel Melendez
Quiz von Samuel Melendez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Samuel Melendez
Erstellt von Samuel Melendez vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

According to "how it works" 1st paragraph, What do search engines use that enable them to respond quickly to your questions? *
  • It searches the entire internet and presents a list after it finds what you are looking for
  • It uses an index of websites it has already created
  • it already has the answer to your specific question ready even before you ask it,
  • It uses prior searches

Frage 2

What three things are search engines doing all the time?
  • searching for what you want, changing it's hierarchy, sending copies
  • counting the number of pages on the internet, gathering important information, deleting unwanted sites
  • Gather information, keeping copies of webpages, building and changing its index

Frage 3

Once you ask a question in a search engines what 4 things does a search engine do? *
  • Understand the query, Determine the relevance of each possible result to the query, Determine the ranking of the relevant results, Present the results
  • read the query, determine if the query can be answered, looking for the answer to the query in a database, randomly presents answers
  • It presents the answers, then looks for more answers, determines if the query has been satisfied, adds the answers to its index

Frage 4

How do search engines build an index of links(pg 122 paragraph 1 and 5)?
  • It looks at every website in alphabetic and numerical order.
  • It roams the Web to gather information by following links from the pages visited.
  • All new websites are just added automatically to the index.

Frage 5

How is it possible for a search engine to show a page that that owner has removed from the site?(bottom of pg 124)
  • Web pages have been copied and may be presented even after they are gone from the web
  • Web pages can never be removed from the web
  • Even when web pages are removed something remains.

Frage 6

How does a search engine look through its index? (bottom of page 127) *
  • Starts at the top and continues until it finds the answer.
  • Starts at the middle and decides if the answer is at the top or bottom half. Eliminates from the search the unnecessary half. Repeats the process until the answer is found.
  • It does not need to look it knows where the answer is.

Frage 7

(bottom of page 128) Because English is hard for computers to understand and is often ambiguous, the simplest form of query analysis ignores syntax, and treats the query as simply a
  • phrase
  • list of keywords.
  • deep question

Frage 8

When searching what is meant by relevance? (bottom of page 130) *
  • Results that match the intent of the query.
  • Results that are from reliable sites.
  • Results that are fair an balanced.

Frage 9

When searching what is meant by recall? (Top of page 131)
  • finding the same results over and over again
  • Finding websites that are consistant
  • Finding all the relevant documents

Frage 10

In determining the ranking of search results google must first determine the importance of the page...... (top of page 134) If __________________ to a particular page, goes the logic, it must be more important. *
  • ..... more web pages link to ............
  • .....more people go to..........
  • .....more celebrities go ......

Frage 11

Results are presented in a ___________ (bottom of page 137) *
  • left to right
  • top-to bottom list
  • circular , most important in the middle
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