

Quiz am Law_v1.0, erstellt von IS 1503K am 20/01/2017.
IS 1503K
Quiz von IS 1503K, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
IS 1503K
Erstellt von IS 1503K vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

1. When shall the regular elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan be held?
  • On the first Sunday of December
  • On the first day of December
  • On the 16th day of December
  • At any day of the year

Frage 2

2. How often does the President of Kazakhstan address a message to the people of Kazakhstan?
  • Every months
  • Every half year
  • Annually
  • Every two years

Frage 3

3. Who adopts a resolution on conducting the all-nation referendum?
  • President
  • Mazhilis
  • Senate
  • Parliament

Frage 4

4. In what case does the court cancel the decision on recognition of person on missing and establishment of guardianship over his property?
  • In case of emergence or discovery of the missing person’s location (seat)
  • In case if his/her relatives say that he is dead
  • In case of person’s death
  • In case if a missing person’s friend dies

Frage 5

5. A citizen may have been declared dead by the court’s decision, if in place of his residence there is no information about him:
  • 5 years
  • 6 month
  • 3 years
  • 2 years

Frage 6

6. Non-commercial legal entities can be established in the forms of…
  • Government institutions
  • Institutions, public association, joint stock company, a consumer cooperative, foundations, religious associations and other forms provided for by legislative acts
  • Only public associations and foundations
  • Religious associations and other forms provided for by legislative acts

Frage 7

7. When does the legal capacity of a legal entity arise?
  • at the time of its creation and ends at the completion of its liquidation
  • determined by Code and other legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • at the time of its creation
  • from the date of receipt of permits and stops at the time of withdrawal, expiry or revocation

Frage 8

8. Consequence of person’s appearance (emergence) declared as dead?
  • In case of appearance or discovering of missing person’s location (seat), the court’s decision shall be cancelled
  • Regardless of the time of his appearance (emergence), a citizen can request from any person the return of remaining property, which transferred free of charge to that person
  • If the property of a person who had been declared dead, had been alienated by his successor to the third parties, who by the time of person’s appearance had not fully paid the purchase price, all rights according to unpaid amount goes to appeared person
  • All answers are correct

Frage 9

9. Who administers justice in the Republic of Kazakhstan?
  • The Prosecutor's Office
  • The Government
  • The President
  • The Court

Frage 10

10. Judicial power shall be exercised on behalf of the _______________
  • The Prosecutor's Office
  • The Government
  • The President
  • The Republic of Kazakhstan

Frage 11

11. What is the fundamental law that establishes the judicial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
  • Civil Code
  • Administrative Code
  • Criminal Code
  • The Constitution

Frage 12

12. The judicial Power shall extend...
  • To all cases and disputes arising on the basis of the Constitution, laws, other regulatory legal acts, and international treaties of the Republic
  • Only to disputes arising on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Only to cases and disputes arising on the basis of laws and other normative legal acts of the Republic
  • To the cases and disputes arising on the basis of international treaties of the Republic

Frage 13

13. What principles should guide the judge in the application of the law?
  • A person shall be considered to be innocent of committing a crime until his guilt is established by a court’s sentence that has come into force
  • A person shall be considered to be innocent of committing a crime until his guilt is established by the prosecutor
  • A person shall be considered to be innocent of committing a crime until his guilt is established by the President
  • A person shall be considered to be innocent of committing a crime until his guilt is established by the people

Frage 14

14. What principles should guide the judge in the application of the law?
  • Everyone may be subject twice to criminal or administrative prosecution for one and the same offense
  • No one may be subject twice to criminal or administrative prosecution for one and the same offense
  • A person shall be considered to be innocent of committing a crime until his guilt is established by the prosecutor
  • A person shall be considered to be innocent of committing a crime until his guilt is established by the people

Frage 15

15. What principles should guide the judge in the application of the law?
  • Everyone shall have the right to be heard in court
  • No one shall have the right to be heard in court until the President say so
  • A person shall be considered to be innocent of committing a crime until his guilt is established by the people
  • A person shall be considered to be innocent of committing a crime until his guilt is established by the prosecutor

Frage 16

16. What principles should guide the judge in the application of the law?
  • The laws establishing or intensifying liability, imposing new responsibilities on the citizens or deteriorating their conditions shall have no retroactive force. If after the commitment of an offense accountability for it is canceled by law or reduced, the new law shall be applied
  • The laws establishing or intensifying liability, imposing new responsibilities on the citizens or deteriorating their conditions shall have retroactive force
  • A person shall be considered to be innocent of committing a crime until his guilt is established by the people
  • A person shall be considered to be innocent of committing a crime until his guilt is established by the prosecutor

Frage 17

17. What principles should guide the judge in the application of the law?
  • The accused person shall be obligatedto prove his innocence
  • The accused shall not be obligated to prove his innocence
  • A person shall be considered to be innocent of committing a crime until his guilt is established by the people
  • A person shall be considered to be innocent of committing a crime until his guilt is established by the prosecutor

Frage 18

18. What principles should guide the judge in the application of the law?
  • No person shall be compelled to give testimony against himself, his spouse and close relatives whose circle is determined by law. The clergy shall not be obligated to testify against those who confided in them with some information at a confession
  • Every person shall be compelled to give testimony against oneself, one’s spouse and close relatives whose circle is determined by law
  • The clergy shall be obligated to testify against those who confided in them with some information at a confession
  • The clergy shall be obligated to testify against those who confided in them with some information at a confession if the criminal kills 100 people;

Frage 19

19. What principles should guide the judge in the application of the law?
  • Any doubts of a person’s guilt shall be interpreted in the favor of the accused person
  • Anydoubts of a person’s guilt shall be interpreted against the accused person
  • The clergy shall be obligated to testify against those who confided in them with some information at a confession
  • Every person shall be compelled to give testimony against oneself, one’s spouse and close relatives whose circle is determined by law

Frage 20

20. What principles should guide the judge in the application of the law?
  • Evidence obtained by illegal means shall have no juridical force. No person may be sentenced on the basis of his own admission of guilt
  • Evidence obtained by illegal means shall have juridical forceq
  • Every person shall be compelled to give testimony against oneself, one’s spouse and close relatives whose circle is determined by law
  • The clergy shall be obligated to testify against those who confided in them with some information at a confession

Frage 21

21. What principles should guide the judge in the application of the law?
  • Application of the criminal law by analogy shall be allowed
  • Application of the criminal law by analogy shall not be allowed
  • Evidence obtained by illegal means shall have juridical force
  • Every person shall be compelled to give testimony against oneself, one’s spouse and close relatives whose circle is determined by law

Frage 22

22. Courts shall consist of:
  • Permanent judges whose independence shall be protected by the Constitution and law
  • Non-permanent judges whose independence shall be protected by the Constitution and law
  • Non-permanent judges whose independence is not protected
  • Non-permanent judges whose independence shall be protected by the Prosecutor's Office

Frage 23

23. Which of the following can be applied to the judges?
  • Arrest
  • Subject to detention
  • Measures of administrative punishment
  • Being apprehended on the scene of a crime or committing grave crimes

Frage 24

24. Which of the following is not included in the requirements for judges?z
  • Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Reached twenty-five years of age
  • Was born on the territory of Kazakhstan
  • Length of service of not less than two years in the legal profession

Frage 25

25. What other occupation a judge can hold….
  • A deputy
  • Holding other any paid positions
  • Pedagogical
  • The entry of a governing body or a supervisory board of a commercial organization

Frage 26

26. Who on the basis of and with the exercise of the Constitution and the laws, shall issue decrees and resolutions which are binding on the entire territory of the Republic?
  • Parliament
  • Government
  • The President of the Republic
  • Senate

Frage 27

27. Who shall carry out the provision, service, and guard of the President of the Republic and his family?
  • President
  • Foreign country
  • State’s expense
  • Mazhilis

Frage 28

28. The share of votes of deputies of each Chamber of Parliament in voting for prematurely release of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from office in the case of continued incapacity to perform his duties due to illness.
  • No less than three-fourths
  • No less than half
  • No less than two-three
  • No less than three-two

Frage 29

29. Who shall be the next President in cases of the death or premature release or discharge of the current President from the power?
  • The ex-President
  • The Prime-Minister of the Kazakhstan
  • The chairperson of the Mazhilis of the Parliament
  • The Chairperson of the Senate of the Parliament

Frage 30

30. How many deputies are in Mazhilis of Parliament?
  • 42
  • 107
  • 109
  • 47

Frage 31

31. What state body shall discharge the President of the Republic from office in the case of high treason?
  • Parliament
  • Foreign country
  • Prime-Minister
  • The ex-President

Frage 32

32. Who shall appoint the 15 deputies of the Senate?
  • The President of the Republic
  • Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan
  • The Prime-Minister
  • The ex-President

Frage 33

33. Can the citizens of Kazakhstan be owner of the legally acquired property?
  • Yes, every citizen of RK
  • Only if it is not antiques or historical property
  • Not always, there are controversial situations
  • Never, he shall get the court decision

Frage 34

34. Where the citizens of RK can get a guaranteed free secondary education?
  • In all schools in the territory of Kazakhstan
  • Only private schools
  • Public schools (state)
  • Only on a paid basis

Frage 35

35. Who has a legal right to stay on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the right to freely move about its territory and freely choose a place of residence?
  • Everyone except migrants
  • Everyone except stateless persons
  • Everyone
  • Only foreigners

Frage 36

36. The military persons, employees of national security, law-enforcement bodies and judges must not be a participant of…
  • Political parties
  • Trade unions
  • Actions in support of any political party
  • All of the above

Frage 37

37. Which one of these statements is INCORRECT?
  • Working agreements stipulating the length of working time, days-off and holidays, and paid annual leave shall be guaranteed by law
  • Deprivation of housing shall not be permitted unless otherwise stipulated by a court decision
  • Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall have the right to freedom of forming associations
  • Citizens of the Republic have not the right to freely return to the Republic

Frage 38

38. What does the law guarantee for working labors?
  • Freedom and safety
  • The length of working time, days-off and holidays, and paid annual leave
  • Holidays and salary
  • The length of working time and freedom

Frage 39

39. Penetration into housing, its inspection and search shall be permitted only in cases and according to the procedure stipulated by ___
  • Court
  • Law
  • President
  • Parliament

Frage 40

40. Who regulates the activities of public associations?
  • Court
  • Parliament
  • President
  • Law

Frage 41

41. Deputy of the Senate may be a citizen of RK, who has reached…?
  • 30 years
  • 35 years
  • 40 years
  • 25 years

Frage 42

42. Term of the powers of the deputy of the Senate?
  • 4 years
  • 5 years
  • 6 years
  • 3 years

Frage 43

43. Term of the powers the deputy of the Mazhilis?
  • 4 years
  • 5 years
  • 6 years
  • 3 years

Frage 44

44. Which state body establishes the state taxes and tax collections?
  • President
  • Ministry of Finance
  • Parliament
  • Tax Committee of RK

Frage 45

45. Which of these products is related to alcoholic beverages?
  • Wine
  • Koumiss
  • Gaswater
  • Milk

Frage 46

46. Production of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages is permitted in the presence of ____________ production.
  • Llicenses and passports
  • Oral permission
  • Verbal permission
  • Diploma

Frage 47

47. The deduction from wages of the employee shall be made by decision of__________?
  • Court
  • Attorney
  • Director
  • Accountant

Frage 48

48. How shall be used the shared ownership?
  • By agreement of all its members
  • In agreement, at least one member
  • Of the agreement, at least half of the participants
  • By permission of court

Frage 49

49. Where the fruits, products and revenues from the use of property in common ownership received?
  • In separate part of the property
  • In the state property
  • To the common property
  • In the property of enterprise, rolling hereditary

Frage 50

50. What is the state language of Republic Kazakhstan?
  • Russian
  • Kazakh
  • Kazakh and Russian
  • No state language

Frage 51

51. What is minimum break between end and start daily working day?
  • Not less than 10 hours
  • 15 hours
  • Not less than 12 hours
  • 24 hours

Frage 52

52. Do the break for rest and meal is included in work time?
  • Yes, it includes
  • No, that is not included
  • Can be included
  • May be included

Frage 53

53. Who of these cannot be called to work on holiday?
  • Disabled persons
  • Pensioners
  • Pregnant
  • Adults

Frage 54

54. How many times our current constitution has been modified?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

Frage 55

55. What is the form of governing in RK?
  • Absolute monarchy
  • Presidential Republic
  • Parliamentary Republic
  • Parliamentary monarchy

Frage 56

56. Who are the main source of the government?
  • President
  • Premier-minister
  • Citizens of RK
  • Deputies

Frage 57

57. What legal act has the highest validity and direct action in all territory of the Republic?
  • Constitution
  • Presidents’ words
  • Law
  • Citizens’ decisions

Frage 58

58. What is constitution?
  • Tool of the policy power
  • Fundamental law of the state
  • Contract between the state and citizens of the country
  • Sign of any state

Frage 59

59. The political regime, when the power is in hands of citizens is called:
  • Constitutional monarchy
  • Parliamentary republic
  • Democracy
  • Anarchy

Frage 60

60. Whose sacred duty and responsibility is defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan..
  • Government employee
  • Armed Forces
  • Law enforcement agency
  • Every citizen of Kazakhstan

Frage 61

61. Will restriction of parental rights release from obligations on financial support of child?
  • Yes, will release
  • Will release, but not fully
  • Will release with the consent of the new representatives of the child
  • Will not release

Frage 62

62. With the participation of which state bodies the cases on restriction of parental rights shall be considered?
  • Judge and close relatives
  • Prosecutor and representative of a body, carrying out the functions of trusteeship or guardianship
  • Judge and prosecutor
  • State

Frage 63

63. In which cases a body, carrying out the functions of trusteeship or guardianship shall have the right to remove a child with immediate effect from the parents or other persons, being in their custody?
  • A shortage of funds for child support
  • Loss of the child documents
  • In instant danger to life or health of a child
  • All above mentioned

Frage 64

64. Select a false statement: Children shall be subject to be adopted, whose only parent or both parents:
  • Died
  • Abandoned a child
  • Are deprived and not restored of parental rights
  • Cannot provide the child with clothes

Frage 65

65. What is the age difference must exist between the adopter and the adopted child
  • Not less than 7 years
  • Not less than 12 years
  • Not less than 16 years
  • There is no right answer

Frage 66

66. Select false statement: Adoption of a child without the consent of parents. The consent of parents for adoption of their child not be required in cases if they:
  • Are unknown or declared decedent, recognized as missing by the court
  • Recognized incapable
  • Deprived of parental rights
  • Live separately from a child and evade from his(her) nurturing and financial support for more than one month by excuses, recognized by court as unreasonable

Frage 67

67. If the nationality of the parents is different, it shall be determined at the wish of a child, in accordance with the national origin of the father and mother. When it is allowed?
  • Upon reaching the age of majority
  • Any period of time
  • Upon issuing identity card or passport
  • No true answer

Frage 68

68. Shall the child’s adoption secrecy be protected?
  • No, shall not be protected
  • Shall be protected by the Law
  • Shall be protected by the Agreement
  • Protected by the Law with the consent of both parties

Frage 69

69. Adoption shall be recognized invalid in the case:
  • Court decision was based on fake documents
  • Commission of adoption without the consent of the adoptee
  • Adoption by a not married person
  • Adoption by a person not having pension savings

Frage 70

70. Do the parents have equal rights in respect of their children?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Father has more rights than mother
  • Mother has more rights than father

Frage 71

71. Whether the parents take equal responsibilities to their children?
  • No
  • Father
  • Yes
  • Mother

Frage 72

72. Upon reaching of what age the parental rights shall be terminated to children?
  • 14 years
  • 16 years
  • 18
  • 21

Frage 73

73. Whether the parental rights are terminated upon entry of minors into marriage?
  • • Yes
  • No
  • Only grooms
  • Only the brides

Frage 74

74. Does the child have the right to defend his rights?
  • Yes, he has
  • No, he has not
  • From 14 years
  • From 16 years

Frage 75

75. Does a child have a right to a name?
  • Yes, he has
  • No, he has not
  • Has only if parents are adults
  • Has only if there is a guardian

Frage 76

76. Who would give the name of the child?
  • Parents with their consent
  • Court of Justice
  • Parents with their consent and other legal representatives of the child
  • Maternity hospital where the child was born

Frage 77

77. In the event of termination of the marriage does the child keep the surname he had received at birth?
  • Yes, he does
  • No, he does not save
  • No, if the marriage is terminated by spouses
  • No, if the marriage is terminated by the authorities

Frage 78

78. Can the adoptive parents who do not reside in the territory of Kazakhstan adopt a child?
  • Yes, they can
  • No they can’t
  • Yes, they can, but they should report timely on conditions of support of child
  • No right answer

Frage 79

79. Who cannot be an adopter?
  • Person who has not reached adulthood
  • Person who has been recognized by the court as incapable
  • Stateless persons
  • All answers are correct

Frage 80

80. Is it possible for non-tradition orientation person adopt a child in Kazakhstan?
  • Yes, they can
  • No, it not possible
  • Yes, in some case
  • Don’t know the right answer

Frage 81

81. At what age, in case of the adoption, we need child consent?
  • Has reached the age of ten years
  • Has reached the age of five years
  • Has nine years of age
  • At least seven years

Frage 82

82. Cancellation of adoption of a child shall be performed in..
  • Judicial proceeding
  • Not in judicial proceeding
  • Administrative proceeding
  • No right answer

Frage 83

83. What rights has the parent, who lives separately from the child?
  • The right to communicate with a child
  • The right to participate in the upbringing (education) of the child
  • The right to the issues the child’s education
  • All the above

Frage 84

84. Who makes decisions that adoption is invalid?
  • Parent
  • The court
  • The child
  • People

Frage 85

85. Who must ensure that the child obtains compulsory secondary education?
  • Strangers
  • Government
  • Friends
  • Parents

Frage 86

86. When was the current Republic of Kazakhstan Constitution adopted?
  • On 28 January 1993
  • On 30 August 1995
  • On 20 April 1978
  • On 26 March 1937

Frage 87

87. How shall be identified the citizenship of the 16 years old person?
  • By his/her certificate of birth
  • By his/her parents’ passport
  • By his/her certificate of birth and the passport of one parent
  • By his/her driver license

Frage 88

88. Categories of crime under the Criminal code of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Frage 89

89. Which theory explains the emergence of state with the invasion of one state by another?
  • The theological theory
  • The psychological theory
  • The theory of force/invasion
  • The theory of Contract

Frage 90

90. Could the citizens be pushed to the forced labor without their will?
  • No, at any condition, it is prohibited
  • Yes, the citizens can be involved into the forced labor in accordance with law by the court decision and in the state of emergency or martial law
  • The president can push people to work without any law
  • If citizens are paid they can be involved into forced labor

Frage 91

91. Legal requirements for conclusion of marriage?
  • free and full consent of a man and a woman, reach the marriageable age
  • the consent of parents, without their consent marriage is not legal
  • the persons has to have enough money for marriage
  • both man and woman shall be healthy

Frage 92

92. When does the legal capacity of a person arise?
  • At 18 years old
  • At the time of birth
  • at the time of identified in law
  • at the time of marriage

Frage 93

93. The state structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
  • A federated state
  • A confederate state
  • A autonomous state
  • A unitary state with a presidential form of government

Frage 94

94. Who are the subjects of labor relations?
  • Legal entities
  • Persons
  • Employers and employees
  • State and state bodies

Frage 95

95. Who can be legally liable for the committed crime?
  • The sane person who has reached the 16 years of age at the time of commitment of a crime
  • The insane person who is 18 years old
  • Legal entities that have been established under the laws of Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Sane persons’ parents

Frage 96

96. Category of people who are entitled to obtain a legal assistance for free?
  • Persons in need for legal assistance
  • The persons who has not reached 18 years
  • The persons who has got damages, injury or other impairment to the health or it has led to the death of a breadwinner, if all these has happened as result work
  • The persons who has not reached 14 years

Frage 97

97. The sole source of state power is…
  • The people
  • The president
  • The Parliament
  • The Court

Frage 98

98. Are the persons who have committed a crime liable to the excessive act of the other partners?
  • Yes, they a subject to criminal act committed by the partners
  • No, person is not liable for excessive act of other partners
  • They can be liable in some certain situations
  • None of the answers are correct

Frage 99

99. Shall the advocates obtain a license for their work?
  • No, any person can work as an advocate, the certificate in law is enough to work
  • According to the law the person who is going to work as an advocate has to obtain a license
  • Advocates can work with the permission of judge and represent the clients’ interests
  • The advocates work by the permission of the President of the country

Frage 100

100. Find the first presidential form of government established under the constitution?
  • In the USA
  • In France
  • In the Great Britain
  • In Kazakhstan

Frage 101

101. Can the disability of a person be the restricting factor for entering into an employment contract?
  • Yes, of course, if a person has a disability the employer cannot enter with him in an employment contract
  • Not, at any situations
  • If a disable persons obtain the court permission, they can enter into employment contract
  • None of the answers are correct

Frage 102

The situations when the age of marriage can be reduced?
  • If the parents of the persons who are going to be married will give their consent
  • If the judge decides so
  • Pregnancy, birth of a child
  • The young people decide to marry

Frage 103

103. In what cases the advocates’ license shall be suspended?
  • If he is undertaking military service
  • If he is ill
  • If he is in a foreign country
  • If he is in an annual vacation
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