Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Frage 1
Please choose the description which best matches how the following HTML will render.
Frage 2
The anchor tag attribute "href" should contain a URI. This URI ...
must use fully qualified domain names.
should be relative to the anchor tag.
should be relative to the site root.
should be relative to the html page.
is case sensitive.
Frage 3
Character entity references allow designers to display special symbols in html. Please select the correct format for specifying these.
prefix with %, and optional : suffix
prefix with #, and optional ; suffix
prefix with &, and require ; suffix
prefix with %, and require ; suffix
prefix with & and #, and optional ; suffix
Frage 4
Which one of the following answers only contain valid semantic tags added in HTML5.
article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, nav, section, summary, time
article, aside, figure, footer, header, main, mark, navigation, section, summary
article, header, navigation, section, sidebar, footer, summary, time
article, caption, details, figure, footer, header, main, mark, nav, section, sidebar, summary, time
Frage 5
What is the purpose of semantic tag elements?
To provide more meaning for the parser.
To make the HTML page render according to modern standards.
To sunset confusing markup standards.
To increase the number of tags available to write HTML with.
Frage 6
How many header and footer tags are allowed in an HTML5 page?
You should only have 1 header and 1 footer per page.
You should only have 1 header and 1 footer per section.
There is no limit to the number of headers and footers per page.
There is no limit to the of headers and footers per section.
Frage 7
You are working on a site which isn't rendering properly in Firefox and see the following code. What approach should you take to fix the problem?
Remove the comment because it is likely confusing the browser.
Remove the comment because it has no effect in Firefox.
Leave the comment because it only affects IE browsers.
Leave the comment because it is unknown what effect it has.
Edit the html5shiv.js and add an exception to fix the render bug in Firefox.
Frage 8
How is the id attribute of a tag different than the class attribute?
You can assign style by id or by class, so there is no difference.
You may only assign one style class to an id, but any number of CSS classes to the class tag.
It is an error to have a duplicate id assignments in an html page. But it is allowed to have duplicate class assignments.
The id attribute of a tag is primarily used for JavaScript and the class tag is used for styling, but a style can be assigned to an Id tag.
Frage 9
The CSS margin property of an element "margin: 20px 40px;" has the same meaning as "margin: 20px 40px 20px 40px;"
Frage 10
The CSS padding property of an element "padding: 10px 20px 30px 0;" is equivalent to "padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 30px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 0;"
Frage 11
What will be the actual rendered width of this box?
Frage 12
Which CSS selector should you use to mark only the text "Greetings!" in green?
Frage 13
Given the following CSS styles, what color will the word Greetings! appear in?
#main .greet span {
color: green;
#main .first span {
color: blue;
div div span {
color: red;