Frage 1
Patient has complains on increasing of sizes of thyroid gland, shortness of breath & swallowing, torpidity, sleepiness. In physical examination: increasing of thyroid gland, brachycardia, hyperkeratosis, decreasing of basal metabolism. Operation thyroidectomy was done. In histological examination: replacement of tissue of thyroid gland by lymphoid elements. What kind of goiter was revealed?
Frage 2
Lungs in emphysema have following appearance
pale, dense
brown induration of lungs
dark red areas
increased airiness, malignization,
pale, increased, elasticity is decreased
Frage 3
Following changes in lungs were revealed in autopsy of girl of 2 y.o.: mononuclear infiltration of alveolar septi, hyperplasia of alveolar epithelium, large cells with intranuclear inclusions, serous liquid in lumens of alveoli. What is etiology of this disease?
Frage 4
In autopsy of the man of 53 y.o., lungs are with focal consolidation in low lobe of right lung, of the dark red color on the cut, there are granular grayish-red confluent foci up to 4 cm in diameter in low lobe of right lung. In pressing on lungs the mucous-purulent plugs are discharged from bronchi. Reddish foam liquid flows from the surface of the cut, lungs are congested. What complication has developed?
abscess formation
interstitial fibrosis
Frage 5
Patient 54 y.o. was admitted in cardiac intensive care unit with complains on breathlessness, edema of low extremities, havieness in right hypochondrium. In anamnesis: transmural myocardium infarction. In examination: boundaries of heart are dilated; there is pulsating bulging formation in area of heart apex. Suddenly the right hemiplegia developed, patient lost conciseness & died. What changes is it possible to find in autopsy?
chronic heart aneurism with parietal thrombi, hemorrhagic brain infarction, concentric myocardial hypertrophy, brown induration of lungs, nutmeg liver
chronic heart aneurism with parietal thrombi, ischemic brain infarction, excentric myocardium hypertrophy, brown induration of lungs, nutmeg liver
chronic heart aneurism with parietal thrombi, ischemic brain infarction, excentric myocardium hypertrophy, brown atrophy of liver, emphysema of lungs
chronic heart aneurism with parietal thrombi, ischemic brain infarction, excentric myocardium hypertrophy, arteriolosclerotic kidney, lung’s athelectasis©
chronic heart aneurism with parietal thrombi, hemorrhagic brain infarction, excentric myocardium hypertrophy, steatosis of liver, lung’s cirrhosis
Frage 6
Patient 63 y.o., suffering from diabetes mellitus was admitted in hospital with complains on arrhythmia, dyspnoe. Suddenly the condition of patient became worse, reanimation measures are without effect. He died in reception ward. In autopsy: stenosed coronary arteries, yellowish color areas, surrounded by focal hemorrhages at apex & anterior wall of left ventricle. What is possible cause of myocardial lesion?
congenital anomaly of coronary arteries
atherosclerotic changes in coronary arteries
thromboembolism of coronary arteries©
Frage 7
Male, 51 y.o., was admitted in hospital with complains on breathlessness, cough with abundant sputum. At first time such symptoms appeared 30 years ago, all this time he continued to smoke. On X-ray examination: emphysema of lungs, saccular & cylindrical dilations of bronchi, cardiac borders are dilated by means of right ventricle. There are clubbed fingers. Symptoms of developing renal insufficiency have appeared. Patient has died from hyperazotemic uremia. What is pulmonary disease of this patient?
Frage 8
Patient, 64 y.o. has diabetes mellitus during long period. Pains in abdomen, clinical picture of intestinal obstipation & surgical abdomen has suddenly appeared. All following is correct for this clinical situation, except of
patient has mesenterial variant of atherosclerosis
atherosclerosis & thrombosis of mesenterial vessels are revealed in surgery
loops of small intestine are dilated, of red-blackish color, serous membrane is smooth with glitter
patient has wet gangrene of intestine©
loops of small intestine are dilated, of red-blackish color, serous membrane is smooth , dull
Frage 9
Patient, 68 y.o., was admitted in neurological intensive care unit with acute developed paralysis. Blood wasn’t revealed in liquor. There is infarction of left hemisphere of brain in anamnesis. What are the morphological changes in brain?
ischemic infarction in left hemisphere
hemorrhagic infarction if left hemisphere
atherosclerosis if vessels of the base of the brain (up to 40%)
ischemic infarction in right hemisphere, cyst in left hemisphere
hemorrhagic infarction in right hemisphere, cyst in left hemisphere
Frage 10
Morphological changes of the knee joint of the patient P., 43 y.o. are presented by hypertrophy & hyperplasia of synovial cells with overgrowth of villi & formation of granulation tissue as a layer covered hyaline cartilage & subchondral bone. What extraarticular changes are possible to find at this patient?
purulent meningitis
secondary amyloidosis
Frage 11
Big white kidney was revealed at autopsy of woman of 47 y.o.There is deposition of amyloid in glomeruli, tubular basal membranes, wall of vessels & stroma in histological investigation. From anamnesis: woman had pathology of joints for a long period. This morphological picture is complication of following disease
rheumatic disease
postrheumatic arthritis
rheumatoid arthritis
Frage 12
Patient has complains on bad sleeping, general weakness, soreness, protrusion of the eye-balls, heartbeats, tachycardia. There is diffuse increased thyroid gland in palpation. What are the typical microscopical changes
proliferation of high epithelium with formation of papillae, liquid colloid, lymphoid infiltrates in stroma
infiltration by polymorph-nuclear leucocytes, degenerative changes
replacement of tissue of gland by fibrous tissue
granulomatosis with giant cells of foreign bodies
abundant lymphocytic infiltration with formation of follicles with light centers
Frage 13
Male, 51 y.o., was admitted in hospital with complains on breathlessness, cough with abundant sputum. At first time such symptoms appeared 30 years ago, all this time he continued to smoke. On X-ray examination: emphysema of lungs, saccular & cylindrical dilations of bronchi, cardiac borders are dilated by means of right ventricle. There are clubbed fingers. Symptoms of developing renal insufficiency have appeared. Patient has died from hyperazotemic uremia. What is the cause of renal insufficiency?
Frage 14
Woman of 63 y.o. suffers from pain in knee joints, their stiffness & puffiness. There is crepitation in joints in physical examination. The reconstructive surgical operation was executed. There is destruction of articular cartilage & subchondral osteosclerosis with expressed thickening of cortical layer in dissected bone. What does better describe the etiology of this disease ?
wear & tear of articular cartilage
anti-IgG autoantibodies
disorder of metabolism of vitamin D
staphylococcus aureus
dysfunction of osteoclasts
Frage 15
Histological investigation of knee joint of patient of 22 y.o. revealed thinning of articular cartilage. What from predisposing conditions has place in appearance of these morphological changes in joint
Frage 16
Woman, suffering from atherosclerosis, was on treatment in neurological department with diagnosis: disorder of cerebral blood circulation in region of right hemisphere & brainstem. Clinically: paralysis of left extremities (hemiplegia), disorder of swallowing, often chocking. After regular meal the cough appeared, increasing of dyspnoe, body temperature increased up to 39?C., moist rale in right lung. What process in lungs may these symptoms be related with?
Frage 17
In chronic bronchitis like in bronchial asthma, there is direct dependence between expression of inflammation & reactivity of
Frage 18
Male person, 60 y.o. suffered from hypertensive disease during 15 years, last time he has complains on weakness, fast fatigability, polyuria. In examination: proteinuria, significant increasing of creatinin in blood. He died from increasing renal insufficiency. What is the pathological process in kidney
embolic purulent nephritis
atherosclerotic nephrosis
arteriosclerotic kidney
hydronephrotic transformation
Frage 19
Patient was admitted in hospital with complains on acute pains in abdomen, weakness. After several minutes after admission he lost the conciseness, thready pulse, patient was operated. About 1500 ml of blood was revealed in abdominal cavity. There is sacciform bulging of aorta in abdominal part, it’s wall is thin. Complication of what disease is described?
atherosclerosis of aorta
syphilitic mesarteritis
hypertensive disease
periarteritis nodosa
Frage 20
Patient has suffered from rheumatic defect of mitral valve. Patient has died from chronic cardio-vascular insufficiency. In autopsy: leaflets of mitral valve are thickened, adherent, opaque, dense, of milky-white color. What pathological process is in the base of changes of mitral valve?
Frage 21
Patient, 67 y.o., left revisional meniscectomia was done. What morphological changes in organs are appearance of complications at this patient?
occlusion brown-reddish thrombi in pulmonary artery, firmly connected with intima, with dim rough surface
whitish foci of myocardium of flabby consistence of irregular shape
small-granular firm kidney, decreased in sizes
nutmeg liver
adrenal hypoplasia
Frage 22
Patient has complains on bad sleeping, general weakness, soreness, protrusion of the eye-balls, heartbeats, tachycardia. There is diffuse increased thyroid gland in palpation. What is disease at this patient?
Frage 23
Patient has complains on increasing of sizes of thyroid gland, shortness of breath & swallowing, torpidity, sleepiness. In physical examination: increasing of thyroid gland, brachycardia, hyperkeratosis, decreasing of basal metabolism. Operation thyroidectomy was done. In histological examination: replacement of tissue of thyroid gland by lymphoid elements. What kind of goiter was revealed ?
Frage 24
Patient has complains on breathlessness in physical activity, heartbeat, pains & tightness in heart region. There is stable increasing of blood pressure during last 2 years. In examination: protein in urine, significant increasing of creatinin in blood. Patient has died in increasing autotoxication from chronic renal insufficiency. What clinic-morphological variant of hypertensive disease has place?
hypertrophy of muscular layer & elastic structures
hypertrophy of heart; left ventricle
arteriolosclerotic nephrosclerosis
Frage 25
Following changes were revealed in histological investigation of autopsic material: in lungs – edematic liquid, fibrin, massive accumulation of leucocytes are in alveoli; leuco-lymphocytic infiltration of interalveolar septi, in some areas septi are necrotized with formation of microabscesses. Capillaries are congested, some of them contain leucocytic thrombi. Walls of bronchi are thickened, sclerous. Masses of leucocytes, mucus, desquamated epithelium in limen of bronchi. What complication has developed?
Abscess formation
interstitial fibrosis
Frage 26
Bronchial asthma is accompanied by predominant eosinophilic infiltration of bronchial wall, but chronic bronchitis is characterized by predominance of neutrophils in infiltrate and presence of
Frage 27
Pathological process, which is characterized by fibrosis, destruction, rebuilding & deformation of lungs
lobular pneumonia
Croupous pneumonia
interstitial pneumonia
gangrene of lungs
Frage 28
Patient, 32 y.o. was admitted in clinics with complains on dyspnoae, pains in left part of chest, temperature up to 39?C. He became sick suddenly after overcooling. In examination: dulling of sound above low lobe, pleural rub. In spite of conducted treatment after 4 weeks the cough was kept, dullness and absence of conducting of breathing sounds in projection of low lobe of left lung. What complication does develop at this patient?
Frage 29
Patient, 35 y.o., has suffered from hypertensive disease during 2 years. Level of diastolic pressure is constantly more than 120 mm Hg. What morphological changes of vessels is it possible to find at this patient?
malignant lipoidosis
hyalinosis, sclerosis, fibrinoid necrosis©
plasmorrhagia in arteriols’ walls
hyalinosis, sclerosis, hemorrhage
hyalinosis, sclerosis, thrombosis
Frage 30
A 19-year-old female presents with urticaria that developed after she took aspirin for a headache. She has a history of chronic rhinitis, and physical examination reveals the presence of nasal polyps. This patient is at an increased risk of developing which one of the following pulmonary diseases following the ingestion of aspirin?
Chronic emphysema
Bronchial Asthma
pulmonary hypertension
interstitial fibrosis
Frage 31
Long time patient has suffered by chronic bronchitis & bronchiolitis, which later complicated by emphysema of lungs. Emphysema became to dominate in clinical picture. Patient has died. What kind of emphysema had place in this case?
Frage 32
What diseases may lead to the development of acquired heart defects
rheumatic fever, chronic bronchitis, leucemia, sepsis, tuberculosis
rheumatic fever, тромбоцитопения, аневризма аорты,атеросклероз
rheumatic fever, meningitis, atherosclerosis, septic endocarditis, brucellosis, syphilis
rheumatic fever, hemophilia, reactive arthritis, liver cirrhosism, aortitis
rheumatic fever, systemic lupus erythematosus, ischemic heart disease, hemorrhagic vasculitis
Frage 33
Large depositions of urate crystals, surrounded by accumulation of macrophages, lymphocytes & giant cells of foreign bodies were revealed in articular cartilage, periarticular ligaments, tendons & soft tissues in histological investigation. What complications are possible in kidneys?
Frage 34
The yellow color foci with violet-reddish collar were revealed in autopsy. What changes is it possible to find at histological investigation?
development of granulation tissue around necrosis
caseous necrosis, epithelioid cells, Pirogov-Langhans cells
aschoff’s bodies
zone of necrosis with leucocytic infiltration
beginning of fibrosis development
Frage 35
What are most common heart defects
Mitral , pulmonary
Tricuspidal, aortal
Mitral, aortal
Aortal, pulmonary
Tricuspidal , pulmonary
Frage 36
Following changes are present in bronchial wall in acute period of bronchial asthma
acute congestion of vessels of microcirculation & increasing of their permeability, edema of mucous membrane, thickening of the basal membrane of bronchi, hypersecretion of mucous glands
acute congestion of vessels of microcirculation & increasing of their permeability
edema of mucous membrane
thickening of the basal membrane of bronchi©
hypersecretion of mucous glands
thickening of the basal membrane of bronchi
hypersecretion of mucous glands
Frage 37
Big white kidney was revealed at autopsy of woman of 47 y.o.There is deposition of amyloid in glomeruli, tubular basal membranes, wall of vessels & stroma in histological investigation. From anamnesis: woman had pathology of joints for a long period. This morphological picture is complication of following disease
rheumatoid arthritis
post rheumatic arthritis
rheumatic disease
Frage 38
Patient has suffered from rheumatic defect of mitral valve. Patient has died from chronic cardio-vascular insufficiency. In autopsy: leaflets of mitral valve are thickened, adherit, opaque, dense, of milky-white color. What pathological process is in the base of changes of mitral valve?
Frage 39
Patient has complains on increasing of sizes of thyroid gland, shortness of breath & swallowing, torpidity, sleepiness. In physical examination: increasing of thyroid gland, brachycardia, hyperkeratosis, decreasing of basal metabolism. Operation thyroidectomy was done. In histological examination: replacement of tissue of thyroid gland by lymphoid elements. What is pathogenesis of this disease?
Frage 40
Patient has complains on bad sleeping, general weakness, soreness, protruded eye-balls, heartbeats, tachycardia. There is diffuse increased thyroid gland in palpation. What are the typical microscopical changes
proliferation of high epithelium with formation of papillae, liquid colloid, lymphoid infiltrates in stroma
infiltration by polymorph-nuclear leucocytes, degenerative changes
granulomatosis with giant cells of foreign bodies
replacement of tissue of gland by fibrous tissue
abundant lymphocytic infiltration with formation of follicles with light centers
Frage 41
Patient, 64 y.o., has used antibiotics during 2 weeks due to acute respiratory disease. Death from progressing respiratory insufficiency. Polymorph picture were revealed in lungs: walls of alveoli with irregular lymphohistiocytic infiltration, giant mononuclear cells in alveolar epithelium, squamous metaplasia of bronchiolar epithelium are in some areas, destructive purulent bronchiolitis is present in many areas, surrounded alveoli are filled by serous-leucocytic exudates, there are foci of abscesses. What is etiology of this disease?
viral & bacterial
friedlander’s pneumonia
Frage 42
Following changes are present at the surface of the cut of the lungs of the patients, died due to the attack of bronchial asthma
all bronchi up to terminal bronchiols are filled with viscous mucus
destructive changes of the alveolar walls
thickening of the basal membrane
neutrophilic infiltration©
hyperplasia of vessels of mucous layer
neutrophilic infiltration
hyperplasia of vessels of mucous layer
Frage 43
Woman, 62 y.o., on 7th day after cholecystectomia due to calculous cholecystitis following symptoms appeared: body temperature 38,5°C, cough & dyspnoea. After 4 weeks of massive antibiotic therapy temperature decreased, but X-ray examination revealed one round-shaped cloud. What histological changes is it possible to find in lung?
foci of caseous snecrosis, surrounded by collar of lymphocytes & epithelioid cells, solitary giant cells of Pirogov-Langhans
Lympholeucocytic infiltration of interalveolar septi
serous-leucocytic exudate in alveoli, inflammation of bronchi & bronchioles, focus of abscess
fibrin & leucocytes in alveoli
erythrocytes, leucocytes, fibrin in alveoli
Frage 44
Acute destructive processes in lungs
Frage 45
Long time patient has suffered by chronic bronchitis & bronchiolitis, which later complicated by emphysema of lungs. Emphysema became to dominate in clinical picture. Patient has died. What is the cause of death?
Frage 46
Patient, 57 y.o., was admitted in hospital with attack of heart angina. In anamnesis: hypertensive disease during 20 years. On ECG: no changes, which are typical for myocardial infarction. After 15 minutes patient died from ventricular fibrillation. What changes were revealed in autopsy?
atherosclerosis of all branches of coronary arteries (up to 40%), brown atrophy of myocardium
thrombosis of coronary arteries
chronic aneurism with parietal thrombosis©
atherosclerosis of all branches of coronary arteries (up to 90%), myocardial hypertrophy
dilatation of ventricles
Frage 47
Patient has complains on breathlessness in physical activity, heartbeat, pains & tightness in heart region. There is periodic increasing of blood pressure during last several years. In examination diseases, which maybe connected with arterial hypertension were not revealed. Diagnose of hypertensive disease was established. What clinic-morphological variant of hypertensive disease is described?
hypertrophy of heart; left ventricle
hypertrophy of muscular layer & elastic structures
arteriolosclerotic nephrosclerosis
Frage 48
Histological investigation of knee joint of patient of 22 y.o. revealed thinning of articular cartilage. What from predisposing conditions has place in appearance of these morphological changes in joint
Frage 49
What are the main microscopic changes in valve in case of acquired heart defects
sclerosis of valve with it’s deformation, hyperplasia, smallcellular infiltration
sclerosis of valve with it’s deformation, hyalinosis, calcification, vascularization of valves
calcification, proliferation, vascularization of valves, hyperplasia
sclerosis of valve with it’s deformation, meta plasma
sclerosis of valve with it’s deformation, proliferation, hyalinosis
Frage 50
Patient C., 50 y.o., died in the ambulance car, which was called because of appearance of severe retrosternal pain & fear of death. In autopsy: very liquid blood, features of increased angiostaxis, edema of lungs. Patient has died from
Septic shock
Allergic shock
Cardiogenic shock
Traumatic shock
Hypovolemic shock
Frage 51
Patient, 68 y.o., was admitted in neurological intensive care unit with acute developed paralysis. Blood wasn’t revealed in liquor. There is infarction of left hemisphere of brain in anamnesis. What are the morphological changes in brain?
ischemic infarction in left hemisphere
hemorrhagic infarction if left hemisphere
atherosclerosis if vessels of the base of the brain (up to 40%)
ischemic infarction in right hemisphere, cyst in left hemisphere
hemorrhagic infarction in right hemisphere, cyst in left hemisphere
Frage 52
Male, 49 y.o., was admitted in hospital with complains on breathlessness, cough with abundant sputum. At first time such symptoms appeared 30 years ago, all this time he continued to smoke. On X-ray examination: emphysema of lungs, saccular & cylindrical dilations of bronchi, cardiac borders are dilated by means of right ventricle. There are clubbed fingers. Symptoms of developing renal insufficiency have appeared. Patient has died from hyperazotemic uremia. What is pulmonary disease of this patient?