Story Elements


Elementary ELA (Story Elements) Quiz am Story Elements, erstellt von Christine Davis - IU8 am 02/08/2017.
Christine Davis - IU8
Quiz von Christine Davis - IU8, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Christine Davis - IU8
Erstellt von Christine Davis - IU8 vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

The people or animals in the story are called the [blank_start]______________________[blank_end]. The [blank_start]____________________[blank_end] is how the problem is solved. The [blank_start]____________________[blank_end] is where and when the story takes place. The [blank_start]________________________[blank_end] are actions in the story that happen at the beginning, middle, and end. [blank_start]__________________________[blank_end] is when you tell the most important details in the story. The [blank_start]_____________________[blank_end]is the part of the story where something goes wrong.
  • Characters
  • Solution
  • Setting
  • Sequence of Events
  • Summarizing
  • Problem
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