The Iliad: Book 23


Choose the best answer.
Anita Thomer
Quiz von Anita Thomer, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Anita Thomer
Erstellt von Anita Thomer vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

The Achaean troops return to camp. Achilles organizes [blank_start]an elaborate funeral for Patroclus[blank_end].
  • an elaborate funeral for Patroclus
  • a big party to celebrate killing Hector
  • a stealth attack on the Trojans
  • a meeting of officers

Frage 2

Hector is [blank_start]left desecrated in the dust[blank_end].
  • left desecrated in the dust
  • given a small funeral
  • resurrected by the gods
  • forgotten by all

Frage 3

The men eat a funeral feast, but Achilles will not [blank_start]wash the blood off of his body[blank_end] until Patroclus’ burial is finished.
  • wash the blood off of his body
  • eat anything green
  • allow anyone to eat
  • cook any of the food

Frage 4

Exhausted from [blank_start]combat and from grief[blank_end], Achilles falls asleep. In the night, the ghost of Patroclus appears before Achilles, asking him to [blank_start]complete the funeral[blank_end] so that Patroclus may [blank_start]pass into the world of the dead[blank_end].
  • combat and from grief
  • eating too much
  • planning the funeral
  • being so awesome
  • complete the funeral
  • get up and fight
  • have something to eat
  • join him in death
  • pass into the world of the dead
  • eat the leftovers
  • come back to life
  • bury Hector's body

Frage 5

Patroclus asks [blank_start]for his bones to be buried together with[blank_end] Achilles’, so that they may never be separated.
  • for his bones to be buried together with
  • to kill
  • to take over the body of
  • to come back to life

Frage 6

The men prepare for the funeral, putting on their arms and building Patroclus’ pyre. A massive sacrifice is made to the gods, including the [blank_start]twelve Trojans[blank_end] that [blank_start]Achilles took captive the previous day[blank_end].
  • twelve Trojans
  • food
  • horses
  • six birds
  • Achilles took captive the previous day
  • Achilles would not eat
  • Achilles caught in a trap
  • Achilles stole from the Trojans

Frage 7

At first Patroclus’ pyre does not burn, but Achilles [blank_start]prays to the gods[blank_end].
  • prays to the gods
  • adds more wood
  • threatens the pyre with his sword
  • doesn't care

Frage 8

Achilles oversees a series of [blank_start]funeral games[blank_end] to celebrate the memory of Patroclus.
  • funeral games
  • public executions
  • musical performances
  • epic plays

Frage 9

The first event is the [blank_start]chariot race[blank_end], and Achilles lays out rich prizes for the victors.
  • chariot race
  • hurdle sprint
  • bean bag toss
  • test of strength

Frage 10

Apollo, still angry with Diomedes, knocks [blank_start]his whip out of his hand[blank_end], but Athena [blank_start]gives it back to him[blank_end].
  • his whip out of his hand
  • him in the head
  • his chariot over on its side
  • on the door
  • gives it back to him
  • punches Apollo
  • kills all the other horses
  • answers it

Frage 11

The next event is the [blank_start]boxing match[blank_end]. Achilles lays out more prizes for the winners.
  • boxing match
  • bowling match
  • pig wrangling match
  • yodeling contest

Frage 12

The next event is [blank_start]wrestling[blank_end], where Great Ajax’ strength is pitted against Odysseus knowledge of holds.
  • wrestling
  • bird calling
  • professional soccer
  • tapdancing

Frage 13

Neither Great Ajax nor Odysseus is able to gain an advantage, so Achilles tells them to [blank_start]share the prizes[blank_end].
  • share the prizes
  • keep fighting
  • give up and go home
  • fight better

Frage 14

The next event is the [blank_start]footrace[blank_end], where Odysseus, Little Ajax, and Antilochus are the participants. Ajax is winning, but Athena helps Odysseus by causing Ajax [blank_start]to slip and fall[blank_end].
  • footrace
  • coin toss
  • cliff dive
  • swimming match
  • to slip and fall
  • to turn into a frog
  • to let him win
  • to lose both legs

Frage 15

In the next event, the men [blank_start]duel in full armor[blank_end]. Great Ajax and Diomedes are the two chosen champions. They fight, but are separated before [blank_start]one man can injure the other[blank_end]. Achilles declares Diomedes the winner.
  • duel in full armor
  • try to tame monkeys
  • have an eating contest
  • set themselves on fire
  • one man can injure the other
  • the monkeys kill them
  • it starts to rain
  • the song is finished

Frage 16

Next, the men compete to [blank_start]throw a lump of iron[blank_end]. The captain Polypoetes wins the competition.
  • throw a lump of iron
  • throw a live chicken
  • throw a spear
  • throw one another

Frage 17

Next, the men compete in archery, attempting to shoot [blank_start]at a dove tied to a cord[blank_end]. Meriones wins the competition, and Teucer comes in second because he did not pray to Apollo.
  • at a dove tied to a cord
  • at an apple on Achilles head
  • at a running Trojan
  • at a coin on a post

Frage 18

Last, the men begin the [blank_start]spear throwing[blank_end] competition. Achilles intercedes, telling Agamemnon that he is the greatest [blank_start]spearmen by far[blank_end]. Agamemnon is automatically awarded first prize.
  • spear throwing
  • beer drinking
  • hoof trimming
  • sword bending
  • spearmen by far
  • man on earth
  • moron he knows
  • sword bender
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