Give Peace a Chance


Nonfiction Literature (Resistance and Conflict) Quiz am Give Peace a Chance, erstellt von Christine Davis - IU8 am 04/08/2017.
Christine Davis - IU8
Quiz von Christine Davis - IU8, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Christine Davis - IU8
Erstellt von Christine Davis - IU8 vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

The United States became involved in Vietnam to stop the spread of _________.
  • Judaism
  • Democracy
  • Communism
  • Islam

Frage 2

President Nixon believed that a large number of Americans supported the war effort, but were not as vocal about the issue as the anti-war protesters. The term that he used to describe this group was the ________.
  • “Silent Majority”
  • “Quiet Masses”
  • “Mute Millions”
  • “Speechless”

Frage 3

What is the political theory that suggests if one nation falls to Communism, the neighboring nations will also fall to Communism?
  • Vietnamization
  • Domino Theory
  • Attrition Theory
  • Falling Effect

Frage 4

“Credibility gap” was the term used to describe:
  • Victory claims of the VietCong
  • Disagreements between the U.S. and its allies over U.S. involvement in Vietnam
  • The difference between the “Hawks” and “Doves”
  • The difference between what the U.S. government said was happening and what was actually happening in Vietnam

Frage 5

Many Americans were against the draft because they believed it
  • Unfairly targeted the poor and minorities.
  • Did not include women.
  • Forced young men to flee to Canada.
  • Did not raise the necessary number of troops.

Frage 6

[blank_start]Pentagon Papers[blank_end]: Government documents that were released in 1971 that revealed the U.S. Government had misled Americans about the war [blank_start]Ho Chi Minh[blank_end]: Communist leader of North Vietnam who led the North Vietnamese in the war [blank_start]Richard Nixon[blank_end]: President who withdrew U.S. troops from Vietnam through “Vietnamization” [blank_start]Lyndon B. Johnson[blank_end]: President who passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and escalated U.S. involvement in Vietnam Dove: American who opposed the Vietnam War [blank_start]Hawk[blank_end]: American who supported the Vietnam War [blank_start]Conscientious Objector[blank_end]: a person who is opposed to serving in the armed services for moral or religious reasons
  • Pentagon Papers
  • Ho Chi Minh
  • Richard Nixon
  • Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Hawk
  • Conscientious Objector
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