Erstellt von Adam O'Rourke
vor fast 12 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Humanist Assumptions | People are essentially good People have an innate drive to self actualise Hierarchy of needs is the basis of motivation Psychological problems stem from in-congruence Ideographic Approach Free will |
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs | Phsyiological needs Safety needs Belonging needs Esteem needs Self-Actualisation |
Self Actualise | To self actualise you need to meet the hierarchy of needs, also have no restraints and good self awareness. People can self actualise through accomplishments in sports, academics etc It is an innate tendency Rodgers stresses the importance of unconditional positive regard |
Unconditional Positive Regard | Unconditional love, usually provided from a family member. Essential for development Therapists give it to clients to help along their growth Helps the person with positive self worth |
Condition of Worth | Arises when positive regard from others is conditional The individual feels they are prized in some respects but not others Does not allow an individual to be themselves |
Congruence | People experience problems when there is incongruence between who they want to be and who they are Results in low self esteem Therapy help people achieve congruence between they're self concept and they're actual self Congruence leads to satisfaction while incongruence leads to psychological problems |
Evaluation of Humanist Approach | It is optimistic about people and is very Recognises importance of personal experience Client Centered Therapy is effective Non-Scientific Little objective evidence Concepts are based around western culture |
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