Chemistry c1 unit 1


Studying for GCSE Science (Chemistry) Karteikarten am Chemistry c1 unit 1, erstellt von Melissa Quail am 22/06/2014.
Melissa Quail
Karteikarten von Melissa Quail, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Melissa Quail
Erstellt von Melissa Quail vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Where are the metals located in the periodic table? In the middle and on the left
Where are the non-metals located in the periodic table? On the right
What does the mass number of an element tell you? The total number of protons + neutrons
What does the atomic number of an element tell you? The number of protons there are and also the number of electrons there are
If this is the symbol, how many protons, electrons and neutrons are there? 12 C 6 Protons=6 Electrons=6 Neutrons=6
If this is the symbol, how many protons, electrons and neutrons are there? 69 Ga 31 Protons=31 Electrons=31 Neutrons=38
If this is the symbol, how many protons, electrons and neutrons are there? 209 Po 84 Protons=84 Electrons=84 Neutrons=125
If this is the symbol, how many protons, electrons and neutrons are there? 131 Xe 54 Protons=54 Electrons=54 Neutrons=77
What (protons, neutrons or electrons) makes an element the element it is? The number of protons
How many of each type of atom does CoCl2 have? 1 cobalt atom and 2 chlorine atoms
What is the mass of a ... Proton? Electron? Neutron? 1 amu 0 amu 1 amu
What is the charge of a ... Proton? Electron? Neutron? +1 -1 0
Sodium has 11 electrons. What is it's structure? 2, 8, 1
Chlorine has 17 electrons. What is it's structure? 2, 8, 7
What are the properties of group 1 metals? They are more reactive as you go down the group. They are good thermal and electrical conductors. They react with water to produce an alkali and hydrogen. They are soft compared with other metals.
What is shielding? When inner electrons block the outer electrons and the nucleus from attracting so easily.
What types of atoms bond using covalent bonding? Non metals
What types of atoms bond by ionic bonding? Metal and non metal atoms
What is a molecule? Two or more atoms bonded together e.g. O2
On the periodic table, what symbol is used for Sodium? Na
What three particles make up an atom? Neutrons, protons, and electrons
How many electrons are in the outer shell of the elements in Group 1 of the periodic table? 1
What do we call the chemical bond that forms due to the strong attraction between metal ions and non metal ions? ionic bond
What is the main compound found in limestone? CaCO3
What is thermal decomposition? Breaking down a compound when it is heated
What is the word equation for the thermal decomposition of limestone? heat Calcium carbonate -> calcium oxide +carbon dioxide
What is the general word equation for thermal decomposition? Metal carbonate -> metal oxide + carbon dioxide
What is the word equation for adding a metal carbonate to an acid? Metal carbonate + acid ->carbon dioxide + water + metal salt
What is the symbol for calcium hydroxide? Ca (OH)2
What happens when you heat Calcium carbonate (limestone)? Thermal decomposition and it becomes calcium oxide (and carbon dioxide)
What happens when you add water to calcium oxide? You get Calcium hydroxide (slaked lime)
What happens when you dissolve calcium hydroxide in water and filter? You get Calcium hydroxide solution (limewater)
What happens when you add carbon dioxide to calcium hydroxide solution (limewater)? You get calcium carbonate (limestone)
What is another name for calcium oxide? Quicklime
What are some uses of limestone? Statues, cement, buildings
What is a precipitation reaction? When you add 2 solutions together to form a precipitate.
What is a precipitate? An insoluble salt
What is cement made from? Limestone and clay
How do you make mortar? Mix sand and cement
How do you make concrete? Sand, cement and aggregate (crushed rocks) mixed together.
How many outer electrons does Helium have and why is this slightly unusual? 2, all the other noble gases have 8
What is calcium hydroxide? An alkali that neutralises acids
Why is gold found in its native state? It is unreactive so it is not found as a metal ore
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