Erstellt von Joe Harrison
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Variable | Variables are identifiers given to memory locations whose contents will change during the course of the program. |
Constant | Constants are used when the value will not change during the running of the program. |
Algorithm | A set of rules or a sequence of steps specifying how to solve a problem. |
Pseudocode | A half way between english and programming statements. |
Integer | A whole number. |
Real / Floating point | A number with a fractional part. |
Character | A single letter, number or special character. |
String | One or more letters, numbers or special characters. |
Boolean | A variable which can only hold a true or false value. |
+ | Addition |
- | Subtraction |
* | Multiplication |
/ | Division |
MOD | Modulus (remainder of division) |
DIV | Quotient (Whole part of division) |
^ | Exponentiation (exponent) |
== | Equal to. |
!= | Not equal to. |
< | Less than. |
<= | Less than or equal to. |
> | Greater than. |
>= | Greater than or equal to. |
AND | Both components are true. |
OR | At least one comparison is true. |
NOT | Flips the result of the comparison. |
XOR | Exclusive OR - Only one comparison is true. |
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