Equality and Difference: Key Concepts


Secondary Society and Culture (Equality and Difference) Karteikarten am Equality and Difference: Key Concepts, erstellt von Hunter Lynch am 26/06/2014.
Hunter Lynch
Karteikarten von Hunter Lynch, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Hunter Lynch
Erstellt von Hunter Lynch vor mehr als 10 Jahre

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In this context, this concept refers to those values, beliefs and behaviour that are different from one generation to the next. It requires an understanding of the forces that have led to the shift. Change
Lack of equality can often lead to __________ in a society.This ________ may be between individuals, such as a husband and wife, or it could be violent confrontation between competing groups in a society, or political groups clashing over different views. Conflict
This refers to the position or status a person holds in society based on criteria that indicate social and economic achievement. Socio-economic Status
This refers to the criteria used to split society into groups according to apparent differences, for example, according to "race", gender, religion or ability. Social Differentiation
In this depth study, this concept refers to the reason why attitudes, beliefs and behaviour may continue from one generation to the next. Continuity
In this sense, this concept refers to a system of dividing society into strata, or levels, based mostly on economic status. A group of persons are perceived by others to share similar qualities, wealth or achievements. Social Class
There is significant argument over whether "____" represents genuine biological differences or is, in reality, a social construct. Biologically, it refers to those persons who share specific genetic characteristics, such as skin colour or hair type. Race
Literally this means to prejudge something. It leads to bias for or against a person or thing, and usually reflects a viewpoint based upon stereotypes. Typically it refers to negative attitudes towards a group or its members. Prejudice
This refers to a person's sense of self. It is something that can be adversely affected if society places low value on those factors upon which a person has based their sense of self. Identity
This refers to the way various individuals and groups within a society can work together to achieve a common aim. Cooperation
This refers to those rights that it is generally agreed all human beings should be entitled to regardless of their racial, political or religious beliefs. Thirty basic human rights were codified by the United Nations in the Declaration of Human Rights. Human Rights
This refers to any system of placing persons or things in a graded order. In social terms, it implies that society places greater value on one group than on another. Hierarchy
This is the active version of prejudice, where a person acts upon their prejudices. It can be negative or positive. Discrimination
This refers to persons who who share a common origin, a specific ancestry and culture that mark them as distinctly different from those who do not share those origins. Ethnicity
When referring to society, this concept implies an ___________ of opportunity to access what the society has to offer. Typically this includes such areas as health, education, employment opportunities and political representation. Equality
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