Chemical Reactions!


Revision for Science Karteikarten am Chemical Reactions!, erstellt von Ariadne Kafantaris am 22/05/2013.
Ariadne Kafantaris
Karteikarten von Ariadne Kafantaris, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ariadne Kafantaris
Erstellt von Ariadne Kafantaris vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is a Chemical Reaction? It is when you break substances apart and make new ones from the pieces.
Activation Energy The amount of energy needed to get a reaction started is called the activation energy.
Changing Bonds In every chemical reaction, bonds are broken so that new ones can be made.
Endothermic Reactions It absorbs energy from the surroundings.
Exothermic Reaction Heat is given off and the surroundings become warmer.
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