Studies of Outcome Measures - Reliability and Validity


PT 561 Evidence Based Practice Karteikarten am Studies of Outcome Measures - Reliability and Validity, erstellt von Mia Li am 26/09/2017.
Mia Li
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Mia Li
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Frage Antworten
T/F: Age/gender are also outcome measures. F. These are baseline characteristics
Psychometric properties are the intrinsic properties of an outcome measure and include ________, ________, and ________. 1. Reliability 2. Validity 3. Clinical meaningfulness
What are the two general outcome measure categories? 1. Questionnaires 2. performance-based measures
In performance-based measures, time to complete a task is an example of _________ measurement; while determining whether a patient has normal/abnormal gait pattern is a ________ measurement. 1. Objective. 2. Qualitative
The type of outcome measures can also be categorized based on ICF model. Match the following measures to respective ICF level. 1. Geriatric depression scale 2. Mini-mental state exam 3. Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale 4. 10 Meter Walk Test 5. Pediatric evaluation of disability inventory (PEDI) 6. Neck Disability Index 7. Oswestry disability questionnaire 1, 2: Body function and impairment 3, 4, 5: Activity limitation 6, 7: Participation restriction
Validity refers to an outcome's ability to ____________. measure the characteristics it is intended to measure
Reliability refers to an outcome measure's _______ in _________. consistency in score production
What are the 4 types of reliability that should be considered when appraising outcome measures? 1. internal consistency 2. test-retest reliability 3. intra-rater reliability 4. inter-rater reliability
Which reliability answers the question: Do all the items measure the same construct? Internal consistency
Internal consistency is the consistency of _______ across individual items of an outcome measure. construct
How is internal consistency measured? 1. conduct the outcome measure on a group of people 2. analyze the INTRA-SUBJECT CORRELATION between items
Internal consistency is measured using the __________ (statistical measure). Cronbach alpha
Cronbach alpha ranges from ___ to ___. 0 to 1.
Cronbach alpha close to 0 indicates that ________. Individual items of the measure DO NOT correlate with each other.
Cronbach alpha close to 1 indicates that ____________. The individual items have STRONG CORRELATION with each other.
Why do we not want the Cronbach alpha to exceed 0.90? Because excessive correlation suggests likelihood of repetition between items in an outcome measure
What if the Cronbach alpha in a special population is 0.97? Consider shortening the test.
Which study has a higher internal consistency? The one on the right. (patient A is consistently higher, patient B is consistently lower).
Test-retest reliability establishes the extent to which an outcome measure produces ___________ when ___________ to a patient who (has/has not) experienced change. 1. produces the same result 2. when tested repeatedly 3. on a patient who HAS NOT CHANGED!
To determine the test-retest consistency, (one/multiple) rater measures (the same/ multiple) patient two or more times, over the course of (a year/ several days). 1. ONE tester 2. THE SAME patient 3. a few days
Who is the tester in a patient self-directed questionnaire? Patient him/herself
Which test has a better test-retest reliability? Bottom test.
The consistency with which an OM produces the same score when used by the same therapist on the same patient is called ________. Intra- rater reliability
T/F: usually only 1 therapists were required to perform the same test on the same patient repeatedly over several days to test for intra-rater reliability. F. Usually requires 2 or more therapists
The difference between test-retest reliability and intra-rater reliability is that ______ refers only to the OM itself, while __________ specifically addresses the skills of the raters. [TEST-RETEST reliability] refers only to the OM itself, while [intra-rater reliability] specifically addresses the skills of the raters.
Inter-rater reliability refers to the consistency with which (the same/different) raters produce (the same/different) scores for (the same/different) patient. Different raters same score same patient
A trial involving many therapists rating one patient at the same time is able to tell you about the OM's _____. inter-rater reliability.
T/F: the same statistical tool is used to compare test-retest reliability, intra-rater reliability, and inter-rater reliability. T.
Which test is used to compare test-retest reliability, intra-rater reliability, and inter-rater reliability? ICC (intraclass correlation coefficient) or kappa analysis
Kappa is usually used for _______ while ICC is usually used for ___________. Kappa: nominal/ ordinal data ICC: consecutive data
Kappa ranges from __ to __ -1 to +!
ICC ranges from __ to ___. 0 to 1
If the absolute value of kappa/ICC is >0.80, then there is _____ agreement. excellent
If the absolute value of kappa/ICC is between 0.60 to 0.80, then there is _____ agreement. substantial
If the absolute value of kappa/ICC is between 0.40 to 0.60, then there is _____ agreement. moderate
If the absolute value of kappa/ICC is less than 0.40, then there is _____ agreement. poor
For a study of OM to have good reliability, the study's purpose should be ____ to the clinical question. relevant
For a study of OM to have good reliability, the inclusion/exclusion criteria should _________. be clearly defined and include my patient
For a study of OM to have good reliability, the OMs should be _____ to my clinical question and be conducted in a _____ anner. relevant. clinically realistic
For a study of OM to have good reliability, the study population should _________. Be sufficiently similar to my patient
For a study of OM to have good reliability, the sample size should be ______ sufficiently large
For a study of OM to have good reliability, the participants should be (more/less) diverse in the full range of OMs. More diverse (so that a full spectrum of people the OM was designed for is tested.)
For a study of OM to have good reliability, the participants should be (stable/unstable) in the character of interest. Stable. (no change in medication/ treatment during the period of testing)
For a study of OM to have good reliability, there should be evidence that the tests were conducted in a ______ manner. reasonably consistent (e.g. quiet room v.s. noisy street)
For a study of OM to have good reliability, the raters should be blinded of _______. previous participant scores
Why should there be ample time given even when assessing the intra-rater reliability? 1. raters may remember the previous score 2. patient may be fatigued
There are three types of outcome measure validity, they are______, _______ and ______. Content validity, criterion validity, and construct validity.
Content validity establishes that an outcome measure includes____________ that it purports to measure. all the characteristics
How is content validity established? 1. panel of experts 2. each determines whether the measure include all important components of the construct
A less formal evaluation of content validity is ________. Face validity
The measure of whether the tested OM matches a gold standard is called ________. Criterion validity
T/F: A gold standard criterion measure has the virtually irrefutable validity for measuring the characteristics of interest. T.
When a gold standard criterion does not exist, a ______ can be used. reference standard
Criterion validity studies can be divided into _______ and ________ validity. concurrent and predictive
Concurrent validity is established when researchers demonstrate that an outcome measure has a high correlation with the criterion measure taken at ___________. The same point of time
Predictive validity is established when researchers demonstrate that an OM has a high correlation with a ________. future criterion measure
________ establishes the ability of an OM to assess n abstract characteristic or concept. construct validity
How is construct validity established? 1. provide a theoretical model that describes the constructs being assessed. 2. a series of studies are conducted to establish whether the measure actually assess those constructs
What are the three commonly used methods to establish construct validity? 1. known-group validity 2. convergent validity 3. discriminant validity
Known-group validity establishes that an OM produces (the same/different) scores for groups with known (similarities/differences) on the characteristic being measured. Different. known differences.
_________ validity establishes that a new measure correlates with another thought to measure similar a characteristic or concept. (High/low) correlation is ideal. Convergent High correlation is ideal
__________ validity establishes that a new measure correlates with another thought to measure a distinctly different characteristic or concept. (High/low correlation is ideal). Discriminant validity Low correlation is ideal
Which statistic test is used to detemine criterion validity? Spearman's rho
convergent validity test may look the same as __________. concurrent validity
To interpret Spearman's rho value, _____ is generally strong, _______ is moderate and _______ is poor. > 0.85 is strong 0..60 - 0.85 is moderate < 0.6 is poor
To have good content validity, the experts establishing the criteria should be _______ diverse and allow different perspective.
To have good content validity, the researchers should collect and respond to the expert's feedback ________. systematically
To have good criterion and construct validity, the authors should argue for the credibility of the _____ or _______. gold standard or reference criterion measure
To have good criterion and construct validity, the raters should be ______ to the results of the OM as well as the criterion measure. blinded
T/F: To have good criterion and construct validity, all participants should have completed one or the other measure. F. All participants should have completed BOTH measures.
T/F: To have good criterion and construct validity, there should be reasonable time between tests for predictive validity. T.
For known-group construct validity studies, the groups established should be ________ on the characteristics of interest. distinctively different
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