Unit 1 Beginning Ministerial Internship MIN191


Unit 1 Beginning Ministerial Internship MIN191
Julie Gholston
Karteikarten von Julie Gholston, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Julie Gholston
Erstellt von Julie Gholston vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
A characteristic that must be resident in the heart of a minister is honor obedience thankfulness
An example of a king that had talent and a good appearance, but lacked a right heart is Saul
Examples of those who had an honoring heart are Enoch, Abraham, and Isaiah
Obedience is cultivated through transparency with God, transparency with ourselves, and commitment to integrity
A thankful heart is aware of God's presence in every challenge or situation
A doubting heart is a heart that demonstrates a reluctance to follow the path God has revealed
James 1:6 says that a person who doubts is like a wave on a sea, that is tossed by the wind
Steps to conquering doubt are placing confidence in God's promises, choosing to act upon them, and dealing with our causes of doubt
According to Proverbs 6:16-18, which sin is most abominable to God? Pride
The IST mentions six tests God employs to nurture the heart of ministers. They are the tests of trust, obedience, dependence, love, time, and solitude (TODLTS)
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