Celebrity worship


Psychology (Media) Karteikarten am Celebrity worship, erstellt von lele_star am 26/05/2013.
Karteikarten von lele_star, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von lele_star vor mehr als 11 Jahre

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Frage Antworten
Who suggested that people can become confused between the celebs fictional character and real life Giles stated that this was possible for people in the borderline pathological stage
What did McCutcheon find? analysed a set of questions about celebrity worship and found evidence of a hierarchy of celeb worship the top of hierarchy characterized behaviour was over identification with the celebas well as obsession with the celebs life.
What did Maltby suggest was a positive of celeb worship? that in a social network context, fans sharing information and experiences might promote more productive social relationships and serve as a buffer against everyday stressors
What did Sheridan suggest? that pathological worshippers are often drawn to more entraining, even antisocial celebrities, so we might therefore expect fans of more rebellious celebrities seek to emulate them, with negative consequences for the worshipper.
What did Wasserman warn people about celebrity suicide? when reporting celebrity suicides, the media should not let the glamour associated with that individual obscure any mental health or drug problems from which they have been suffering
who found that over one third of a combined sample of students and workers scored above the midpoints of the three subscales of the CAS? Maltby et al 2003
what did Maltby et al 2004 find? In a sample of 372 people aged 18-47, 15% were at the entertainment social level of celebrity worship, 5% were intense personal and 2% were considered borderline pathological
What did Cheung and Yue find? That in a telephone of 833 chinese teens, idol worship was linked to low levels of work, study and self esteem alongside less succesful identity achievement
What is the evolutionary suggestion of celebrity worship celebrities are people who have succeded in our society, there are no longer good hunters or elders to look up to, we look up to celebrities becuase they are a valuable role model
Who administered the celebrity attitude scale and the general health questionnaire to participants in south Yorkshire. The CAS measures attitude to celebrities on three subscales. Malty et al- produced a correlation to show that entertainemnt social subscale was linked with social dysfunction and that intense personal was linked to high depression and anxiety scores
How is the theory reductionist to religious people? Because in the ten commandments it states that christicans cannot worship anyone other than god.
what is parasocial bereavement? Giles grief felt at the death of a celebrity. (as looked into by Giles and Naylor with Princess Diana and Jill Dando)
what did maltby et al conclude from the study from south yorkishire? that celebrity worship is a behavioural representation of poor psychological well-being, which results from failed attempts to escape from or simply cope with the pressure of everyday life.
WHo found a link between entertainment social and extraversion and intense personal and neuroticism (linking to anxiety and depression) Maltby
Name the three stages in the adsorption addiction model 1. entertainment social "learning about my celeb is fun" 2.intense personal, intense and compulsive feelings 3.Borderline-pathological "if i went to their house they would be happy to see me”
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