Erstellt von vikkimatthews
vor fast 12 Jahre
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Chapter 7 Fundamental Attribution Error | People's tendency when explaining the behaviour of others to attribute internal causes(the kind of person they are) rather than external factors. Tendency reverses when considering own behaviour. More a bias than an error. Storms-Found people explained behaviour their behaviour in situational terms when describing from memory. Describing behaviour on video it then switches to dispositional(like describing another) Important in understanding social cognition. |
Chapter 7 Attribution Error | Theory that explains the processes involved in attributing causes to the behaviour of others & ourselves. Heider-when we make judgements of people's actions/behaviour we look for causes either within the person (internal) or the environment (external). Important in understanding social cognition. |
Chapter 7 Schema | A mental structure that contains knowledge relating to a particular kind of object. In social psychology these are based on social objects like people,situations,activities and issues. Different tyoes of schema;role, person & event. Bartlett-Used schema to explain why people mis-remember things. English people retelling an American Native story becomes recognisably more British. Important as helps understand social perception. |
Chapter 7 Stereotype | Mental representation of a person that over-generalises them, making them more like a 'typical'memeber of a certain social group than they actually are. Emphasis on characteristic of the category we have put them in that them as individuals. Tajfel-Boys over=emphasised similarities within their in-group & exaggerated differences with their out-group. Important as helps understand cognitive processes. |
Chapter 7 Self-Serving Bias | Information processing bias which serves the perceivers interests in some way. Tendency to attribute internal factors to success & external factors to failures. Lau & Russell-Content analysis of success/failure of sports events found greater tendency to attribute wins to internal factors. Important to understanding of social processing & bias forming. |
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