CC 100- (1) What is criminology


Alyssa Elligson
Karteikarten von Alyssa Elligson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Alyssa Elligson
Erstellt von Alyssa Elligson vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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David Milgaard Case 1970- convicted of capital murder, sentenced to death 1992- court could not conclude beyond reasonable doubt that Milgaard was not guilty 1997- DNA testing proves Milgaard's innocence
Criminology "body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon" -includes making, breaking and reacting of laws -the goal is scientific
Discipline of Criminology (6 areas) 1. definition of crime & criminals 2. origins & role of the law 3. Social distribution of crime 4. causation of crime 5. patterns of criminal behaviour 6. societal reactions to crime
Biological Approaches Cesare Lombroso & Positivist School argued criminality was a biological trait (born criminal) (some individuals have personality traits that predispose them to crime)
Psychological Approaches *focus on individual criminal behaviour to predict risk of reoffending & evaluate effectiveness of treatment & rehabilitation
Sociological Approaches focuses on social order and how social forces work to define crime & create the conditions in which it is able to flourish or diminish
Law/ Legal Studies history of law is central to criminology by providing insight into the changing nature of crime and the appropriate responses to it
CPTED Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design - approach that examines ways to increase natural surveillance
Geographic Profiling studies urban environments and behaviours of serial predators to determine likely residence of a specific offender
Green Criminology rooted in environmental & animal rights movements -calls for tighter animal cruelty laws
Terrorism deliberate use or threat to use violence against civilians to attain political, ideological and religious goals
Surveillance Studies -massive amounts of personal information are available -focus on personal information in order to influence, manage, or control those whose information is collected
Qualitative Research Methods used by lawyers & sociologists ( semi-structured interviews with offenders, victims, police, field observations)
Quantitative Research Methods used by psychologists & economists (numerical analysis or large data sets, mathematical, statistical, computational techniques)
Legal Definition of Crime an act that violates criminal law & is punishable
Human Rights definition of Crime if an act violated someone's rights to the necessities of life it is a crime
Consensus Crimes almost everyone agrees they should be punished (most severe & harmful behaviours) e.g. Murder, arson, robbery, rape, etc.
Conflict Crimes wrong by prohibition- e.g. drug & alcohol crimes
Social Diversions not necessarily criminal but officially controlled (e.g. parking violations, trespassing)
Social deviations violation of social norms (folkways)
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