Erstellt von Christina Kring
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
when was the american continental army established | june 14 1775 |
how many campaign and battle steamers does the army flag have | more than 180 |
what does the Uniform of the Army represent for Soldiers | For Soldiers it means that they have become part of something bigger than themselves. A chance to serve their country and change the world. it also means danger long separation, grinding fatigue and stress |
what dose the Army Uniform Represent for the families | it represents a source of pride and anxiety for the sacrifices to come |
what does the Army Uniform mean for Veterans | one of the most important periods of their lifes. for some it means pride in awards and decorations and for others it means intense emotional distress physical and emotional |
what does the Uniform of the army mean for American Civilians | Soldiers represent patriotisum and selfless service. men and women in whom the nation takes collective pride in |
what is the land Domain | it is the most complex of all combat domains. it is also where countries are capable of having defense. some countries can not afford navies or air forces. |
What is unified land operations | unified land operations is the synchronization of our efforts between joint services. such as government agencies and other military forces |
what is the main goal for unified land operations | is to combine all our offensive tasks, our defensive tasks and stability tasks. |
the armys vision captures three strategic roles what are they | 1. prevent 2. shape 3. win |
define the role to prevent | it means that countries believe that our force is credible, unbeatable, rapidly deployable , highly trained and well equipped. it is always ready to assist and defend allies and the us interest. |
what is meant by the armys role to shape (define) | the armys role to shape is to assist other nations to shape their own taining and their millitary strength to be able to defend themselves. |
what is meant by the armys role to win | we must be able to attack and defend successfully against enemy ground forces |
what U.S code governs the army | title 10 United States Code (USC) |
what department of defense directive governs the Army? | DODD 5100.01 |
Who determines the size and organization of the Army | Congress |
Where does Congress get the Authority to determine the size and organization of the Army | the Constitution |
where does the ARMy get its mission from | The army gets its mission from title 10 United States code and also from the Department of Defense directive 5100.01 |
what is the armys mission | to fight and win the nations ward through prompt and sustained land combat as part of the joint force |
what is the Dual nature of the army | the dual nature of the army is military profession and military department |
what are the 4 essential characteristics of our profession | esprit de corps, military expertise, honorable service and stewardship |
what is trust | assured reliance on the character ability and strength of someone or something |
where must trust always be maintained | between soldiers and soldiers, soldiers and leaders among soldiers, their families and the army. between the army and the nation |
what is the catalyst to developing trust | the army values |
does trust between soldiers accomplish the mission or generate high levels of unit effectiveness | No, trust between soldiers and there leaders allows this |
if soldiers do not have trust between soldiers and their leaders what can be the outcome | soldiers will not follow orders except for fear of consequences |
what is the second critical aspect of trust | trust between a superior and a subordinate |
what does trust at all levels of leadership depend on | candor |
what are the 7 army values | loyalty duty respect selfless service honor integrity personal courage |
what usually keeps professional soldiers in the army | there families |
what is essential to preserving an all volunteer force | the trust between the army and our soldiers families; confidence of the American |
what does trust in the army between the president and the congress allow the army to maintain | the reediness required to fight and win |
how many field of profession knowledge are there | four |
what are the fields of professional knowledge | military technical field, moral ethical field; Political cultural field; leader development field |
how does the army impart professional knowledge | through training and education at both individual and unit levels |
what type of culture does mission command want to foster during training | culture of trust mutual understanding and willingness to learn from mistakes |
how do certification measure | competence character and commitment |
what is professional competence | the mastery of specific skills |
what is professional competence | the mastery of specific skills |
what does professional character do | ensures army professional use their expertise on behalf of the American people and only in accordance with the law |
what is professional commitment | it shows each individuals willingness to put the requirements of the army and nation about their personal goals |
how is unit compliance with safety and personnel regulations measured | through inspections |
what are the 2 communities of practice the army profession recognizes | profession of arms and army civilian corps |
what must an individual do to become a professional | become certified |
how is the responsibility for each individuals development and certification a mutually shared responsibility | it is shared by the individual an the army and is the responsibility of both |
what is an Oath | and Oath is an individual moral commitment made publicly unlike civilians |
what does the oath bind soldiers to | the oath binds soldiers to unlimited liability acceptance of the risk of serious personal harm or death |
is the consitutional oath legally binding | yes |
how is the consitutional oath legally binding | makes soldiers subject to the uniform code of millitary justice, federal law applicable to the armed forces and the law of the land warfare |
how is loss of discipline on the part of our soldier exploited by the enemy | through propaganda and magnified through the media |
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