K8s Flashcards


CKA Kubernetes Karteikarten am K8s Flashcards, erstellt von Hou Michael am 20/11/2017.
Hou Michael
Karteikarten von Hou Michael, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Hou Michael
Erstellt von Hou Michael vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
12 Factor application principles provides guidance to build web app that can scale easily and can be deployed in the Cloud
master runs API server, scheduler, controller and state management with etcd
2 things run on worker nodes kubelet & service proxy
what does kubelet do? receives requests to run the containers and watches over them on the local node
what does service proxy do? creates and manages networking rules to expose the container on the network
license? Apache Software License v2.0
What does scheduler do? place the containers on the nodes in the cluster according to various policies, metrics, and resource requirements
What does controller manager do? reconciling the actual state of the cluster with the desired state
CNI Container Network Interface fast becoming the standard networking solution for k8s pod-pod communication (not provided for k8s out of the box)
volume/emptyDir simplest volume type defined with pod and dies with it created on node-level
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