Decay Theory of Forgetting


A-Levels Psychology (PSYB2 - Memory) Karteikarten am Decay Theory of Forgetting, erstellt von Adam O'Rourke am 30/05/2013.
Adam O'Rourke
Karteikarten von Adam O'Rourke, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Adam O'Rourke
Erstellt von Adam O'Rourke vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Ebbinghaus Learned non-sense syllables, found that most forgetting happened straight after learning
Brown Peterson Task When people are prevented from rehearsal information is lost very quickly, performance drops more then 50% in 6 seconds
Waugh and Norman 16 Digits read out at either 1 or 4 per second. If decay is the reason for forgetting the 16 second list should cause more forgetting however there was no significant difference between the two
Long Term Decay The law of disuse - Bjork and Bjork, Memory traces compete for access to retrieval paths, regularly retrievement strengthens the path Ebbinghaus
Evaluation Very little evidence, Difficult to study as time between learning and recall needs to be controlled Solso - No evidence for neurological decay Lacks Ecological validity
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