Erstellt von Jada Anderson
vor etwa 7 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Name the muscle. | Gluteus Medius |
Name the muscle. | Sartorius |
Name the muscle. | Pectoralis major |
Name the muscle. | Pectoralis minor |
Name the muscle. | Internal intercostals |
Name the muscle. | Gracilis |
Name the muscle. | Acromiodeltoid |
Name the muscle. | Adductor femoris |
Name the muscle. | Biceps brachii |
Name the muscle. | Biceps femoris |
Name the muscle. | Frontalis |
Name the muscle. | Brachialis |
Name the muscle. | Brachioradialis |
Name the muscle. | Clavotrapezius |
Name the muscle. | Sternocleidomastoid |
Name the muscle. | Temporalis |
Name the muscle. | Tensor fasciae latae |
Name the muscle. | Diagastric |
Name the muscle. | Cleidomastoid |
Name the muscle. | Clavodeltoid |
Name the muscle. | Deltoid |
Name the muscle. | Extensor carpi radialis brevis |
Name the muscle. | Extensor carpi radialis longus |
Name the muscle. | External oblique |
Name the muscle. | Gastrocnemius |
Name the muscle. | Gluteus maximus |
Name the muscle. | Iliopsoas |
Name the muscle. | Infraspinatus |
Name the muscle. | Internal oblique |
Name the muscle. | Latissimus dorsi |
Name the muscle. | Masseter |
Name the muscle. | Mylohyoid |
Name the muscle. | Occipitalis |
Name the muscle. | Orbicularis oculi |
Name the muscle. | Orbicularis oris |
Name the muscle. | Pronator teres |
Name the group of muscles. | Quadriceps |
Name the muscle. | Rectus abdominis |
Name the muscle. | Rectus femoris |
Name the muscle group. | Rhomboides |
Name the muscle. | Rhomboides capitis |
Name the muscle. | Semimembranosus |
Name the muscle. | Serratus dorsalis cranialis |
Name the muscle.
Soleus (binary/octet-stream)
Soleus |
Name the muscle. | Spinotrapezius |
Name the muscle. | Sternomastoid |
Name the muscle. | Subscapularis |
Name the muscle. | Supraspinatus |
Name the muscle. | Teres major |
Name the muscle. | Teres minor |
Name the muscle. | Tibialis anterior |
Name the muscle. | Transverse abdominis |
Name the muscle. | Triceps brachii |
Name the muscle. | Vastus medialis |
Name the muscle. | Vastus laterialis |
Name the muscle. | Xiphihumeralis |
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