Phobias (General)


A-Levels Psychology (PSYB2 - Phobias/OCDs) Karteikarten am Phobias (General), erstellt von Adam O'Rourke am 31/05/2013.
Adam O'Rourke
Karteikarten von Adam O'Rourke, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Adam O'Rourke
Erstellt von Adam O'Rourke vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Phobia A persistent and unreasonable fear of a particular object, activity or stuation
Symptoms -Intense and irrational fear which cases anxiety and may result in a panic attack -Avoidance behaviour, complicated behaviour patterns to avoid the phobia
Three Types of Phobia -Agoraphobia, fear of open spaces -Social Phobias, fear of performing or social interaction -Specific Phobia, fear of anything
Three Types of Phobia -Agoraphobia, fear of open spaces -Social Phobias, fear of performing or social interaction -Specific Phobia, fear of anything
Agoraphobia Results from an unexpected panic attack, the persons reaction is to return to a safe place as quick as possible. They fear it happening again and they wont go out, avoidance behaviour
Social Phobias Fear of social situation where embarrassment may occur A fear of being judged 3 Types -Performance -Interaction -Generalised The may feel inadequate and often become workaholics or have all consuming hobbies
Specific Phobias Many children have specific phobias between the ages of 5 and 10 but many of them disappear through adolescence
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