Amount of substance equations


A level Chemistry (Amount of substance) Karteikarten am Amount of substance equations, erstellt von Irene Binil am 16/12/2017.
Irene Binil
Karteikarten von Irene Binil, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Irene Binil
Erstellt von Irene Binil vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
How to find the number of particles Number of particles = moles x Avogadro's constant
How to find the mass Mass = Mr / Avogadro's constant
How to find the moles Moles = mass / Mr
How to find the concentration Concentration = Moles / Volume
How to calculate the Percentage Error Percentage Error = (Error of the Equipment/ Amount measured) x 100
Ideal Gas Equation PV=nRT
How to calculate the atom economy Atom economy = (Mr of the desired product/ Total Mr of all the products) x 100
How to calculate the percentage yield Percentage Yield = (Amount of specific product formed/ Theoretical maximum amount of products) x 100
How to find the empirical formula Mass (g) / Ar / Smallest Value
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