Religious Language: Key Terms


a level religious language key words
Izzy Noone
Karteikarten von Izzy Noone, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Izzy Noone
Erstellt von Izzy Noone vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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The Verification Principle The idea that statements which are neither analytic nor empirically testable are meaningless.
The Vienna Circle The group responsible for the VP.
Logical Positivism The philosophy that the Vienna Circle launched
Wittgenstein’s Tractatus (1921) Constructed the picture theory of language, a big influence on the Vienna circle.
The picture theory of language The idea that language is only meaningful if it pictures the world in a 1 to 1 relationship.
AJ Ayer (1910-89) A leading supporter of the VP in Britain.
Language Truth and Logic (1936) Ayer’s book.
An analytic statement One in which two descriptors of equal meaning are joined by a copula (an ‘is’).
An empirically testable statement One that you can test to find out whether they are true or false.
Karl Popper (1902-94) Critic of the VP. Founder of the Falsification Principle.
Eschatological verification John Hick’s claim that ‘There is an afterlife’ is verifiable since, if there is an afterlife, we’ll verify it.
The Falsification Principle The idea that statements are meaningless if they are not falsifiable.
‘Parable of the Gardener’ John Wisdom’s parable to show that religious beliefs are unfalsifiable.
Anthony Flew Professor of Philosophy at the University of Reading, in the 1950s. Agreed with Wisdom.
RM Hare (1919-2002) Argued that religious statements such as ‘God is love’ and ‘God exists’ are what might be called ‘Bliks’
A blik A statement of a deep conviction so basic to the person’s world-view that it isn’t capable of being falsified.
Univocally/ Equivocally With exactly the same meaning/ with completely different meanings.
Analogy upwards/downwards Where something corresponds to the thing in a greater/ lesser way than the original.
Analogy of Proportion Where a being has such a characteristic in proportion to the level of being it possesses.
Analogy of Attribution When a term is used of something because it is caused by something else, where that term applies more properly
Language Games The idea that there are as many types of meaning as there are areas of human discourse. The meaning of a word or sentence is, mostly, its use.
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) The founder of language game theory, in his Philosophical Investigations (1951).
Noncognitivism Non-cognitive uses of language are uses that do not intend to deal in knowledge.
The Via Negativa The view that only negative statements can be made about God, not positive.
Apophatic theology After the Greek verb apophemi, another word for the Via Negativa.
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite The main ancient proponent of the Via Negativa.
Cataphatic theology “Cataphatic” is a combination of the two Greek verbs cata (‘to descend’) and femi (‘to speak’), and roughly means, ‘to bring God down so that we can speak of Him’.
The Via Positiva Cataphatic theology. The idea that God can be spoken of in positive, informative terms.
-RB Braithwaite -JH Randall -DZ Phillips Three non-cognitivist philosophers of religious language.
Myth A story in which religious truths are encapsulated and from which they may be inseparable.
Rudolph Bultmann (1884-76) A proponent of ‘demythologisation’ – getting rid of the more deeply mythological aspects of religion.
Symbol Something that represents something else by association, resemblance or convention.
Paul Tillich (1886-65) A proponent of the idea that all religious language is symbolic.
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