Erstellt von Izzy Noone
vor etwa 7 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Theodicy | A philosophical attempt to solve the problem of evil. Comes from the words, Theos, God, and Dike, righteous. |
G. Leibniz (1646-1716) | The first to coin the word ‘Theodicy’. |
Theology | Reasoned thinking about God, based on Scripture. |
Moral Evil | The evil that is due to human wrongdoing |
Natural Evil | The evil that results from natural phenomena (eg, tidal waves). |
Augustine (354-430) | Founder of the ‘Augustinian Theodicy’. |
City of God | Augustine’s book, in which his theodicy appears. |
Privation/ Privatio boni | A lack of something. Augustine claims evil is a lack of good. |
Plato (428-348 BCE) | Ancient Greek philosopher who also considered evil a privation. |
Adam and Eve | Original couple, according to the Biblical Book of Genesis. |
St. Paul | Biblical writer whose theology underlies Augustine’s theodicy. |
F. Schleiermacher (1768-1834) | German thinker who criticised Augustine by saying that God must be ultimately responsible for the universe going wrong. |
David Stewart (20th C) | Claimed Hell is an inappropriate punishment for original sin. |
Karen Armstrong (21stc) | Claimed Augustine had misunderstood the Adam & Eve story. |
Irenaeus (130-202 CE) | Founder of the Irenaean Theodicy. |
Adversus Haereses | Irenaeus’ book, in which his theodicy appears. |
Two-stage creation | According to Irenaeus, humans are created ‘immature’, and in the 2nd stage of creation, grow to become like God. |
Epistemic distance | A distance in the dimension of knowledge. If I only know vaguely about you, I am at an epistemic distance from you. |
John Hick (1922-2012) | A modern supporter of Irenaeus’ Theodicy. |
The ‘Vale of Soul-Making’ Theodicy | John Hick’s modern version of Irenaeus’ Theodicy, named after Keats. The world is a place where souls are ‘made’. |
Majority/ minority report | According to Hick, the Augustinian Theodicy is the Majority Report (main belief) of the West. Irenaean = Minority Report. |
Bios | For Hick, our bodily, animal nature. |
Zoe | For Hick, our spiritual nature. |
Ab initio creation | A one-off creation of humans, in Hick’s thinking. |
David Hume (1711-1776) | Hume said God could not be perfect: the world is like a badly-designed house. |
Fallacy | A logical error. |
Edward H Madden and Peter H Hare | Accuse Hick of the ‘All or Nothing’ Fallacy, in their 1968 book, Evil and the Concept of God. |
‘All or Nothing’ Fallacy | The error of thinking God had to either choose this world, or a hedonistic paradise, with no alternatives. |
DZ Phillips (21st C) | Claims that it would never be acceptable to hurt someone to help them. |
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