Week 1 SV&V vocab


Kevin Muncie
Karteikarten von Kevin Muncie, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kevin Muncie
Erstellt von Kevin Muncie vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Verification Deals with processes that ensure the software is being built correctly
Validation Deals with processes that ensure that the correct software is being built
Static V&V Deals with software inspections
Dynamic V&V This deals with software testing
IV&V characteristics 1 Includes Risk identification and Mitigation techniques 2 Provides Independent evaluation 3 Requires technical managerial and financial independence 4 Makes a value added contribution, everyone shares the same mission success objective
Iv&V and the SDLC Concept phase Requirements phase Design phase Coding phase Test phase Operational phase
IV&V Benefits Better software/performance Higher confidence in software reliability Compliance between specs and code Criteria for program acceptance Better visibility into development Better decision criteria Second source technical alternative Reduced maintenance cost Reduced frequency of operational change
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