

names and info
ember maynard
Karteikarten von ember maynard, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
ember maynard
Erstellt von ember maynard vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Senate: President Pro Tempore Orrin Hatch
Senate: Current Majority Leader MItch McConnell
Senate: Current Majority Whip John Cornyn
Senate: Current Minority Leader Charles Schumer
Senate: Current Minority Whip Richard Durbin
Senate: VA's Congressmen Mark Warner & Tim Kaine
Senate: Current Leader Mike Pense
Senate: Salary 174,000
Senate: Legal Residence Live in the State
Senate: Citizenship 9 Years
Senate: Age Requirement 30 years
Senate: When Elected 1/3 every 2 years
Senate: Length of Term 6 years
Senate: Geographic Distribution 2 per State
Senate: # of Members 100
House of Representatives: Geographic Distribution Based on population; 1 for every 680,000
House of Representatives: Salary 174,000
House of Representatives: Current Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
House of Representatives: Legal Residence Live in Congressional District
House of Representatives: Citizenship 7 years
House of Representatives: Age Requirement 25years
House of Representatives: When Elected Entire house every 2 years
House of Representatives: Length of Term 2 years
House of Representatives: # of Members 435
House of Representatives: Current Leader Paul Ryan
House of Representatives: Current Minority Whip Steny Hayer
House of Representatives: Current Majority Whip Steve Scalise
House of Representatives: Current Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy
House of Representatives: VA Congressmen (2nd District) Scott Taylor
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