Microbiology III


Karteikarten am Microbiology III, erstellt von J yadonknow am 21/01/2018.
J yadonknow
Karteikarten von J yadonknow, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Erstellt von J yadonknow vor etwa 7 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are phototrophs? Organisms that perform photosynthesis
What is common of these organisms? That they're also autotrophs, by using CO2 to make organic compounds
Draw a diagram showing oxygenic photosynthesis by photolithotrophy Algae + Green plants
Draw a diagram showing anoxygenic photosynthesis by photolithotrophy Purple + Green bacteria
What are chemoorganotrophs? Have many organic sources [O] of organic compounds release energy, stored as ATP Can be aerobic/anaerobic/facultative
What are chemolithotrophs? [O] inorganic compounds Sulphur bacteria Iron bacteria
What are the benefits of chemolithotrophs? No competition for food sources from chemoorganotrophs Many COT waste products can be used by CLTs Close association of the two are common
Draw a table showing the feeding habits of chemoorganotrophic and chemolithotrophic organisms bah
What is the Nitrogen Fixation reaction? N2+8H*+8e-+16ATP -> 2NH3 + H2 + 16ADP + 16 Pi
Can Eukaryotic organisms fix nitrogen? No
Draw the nitrogen cycle n2->NH3->NO2-/NO3-
How do nitrogen fixing bacteria occur? (2) Either free living aerobic/anaerobic or in symbiosis with a root nodule
What does Nitrogenase consist of? 2 Distinct proteins, Dinitrogenase which contains Fe +Mb Dinitrogenase Reductase which contains Fe
What is the nitrification reaction? [O] Nitrosomes: NH4+ + 3O2 -> 2NO2- + 4H* + 2H2O + Energy Nitrobacter: 2NO2- + O2 -> 2NO3- + Energy Overall: NH4+ -> NO2- -> NO3-
What is humus? Complex mix of organic compounds that have resisted rapid decomposition, derived mainly from plants and microorganisms.
What is the role of microorganisms in the carbon cycle? Most important contributor of CO2 into the atmosphere Microbes decompose dead organic material and humus
What is the denitrification reaction? NO3- -> N2 anoxic
What is the ammonification reaction? Organic N -> NH4*
What is the annamox reaction? NO2- +NH3 -> 2N2 + H2O Anaerobic ammonium oxidation
Draw the nitrogen cycle bheehehe ghee
What is the sulphur oxidation reaction? H2S -> S -> SO4 2- Aerobic/anerobic
Sulfate reduction anaerobic SO4 2- -> H2S
Sulfur reduction Aerobic S -> H2S
Why does S have so many transformations? Due to varying S oxidation states
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