Specialised Cells


A level Biology (2.1.6 Cell Division, Cell Diversity + Cellular Organisation) Karteikarten am Specialised Cells, erstellt von Yinka F am 30/01/2018.
Yinka F
Karteikarten von Yinka F, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Yinka F
Erstellt von Yinka F vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Describe the adaptations and function of erythrocytes ADAPTATIONS: Biconcave (large surface area) No nucleus (more room for haemoglobin) FUNCTION: Carry oxygen in the blood
Describe the adaptations and function of neutrophils ADAPTATIONS: Flexible (to engulf pathogens) Have many lysosomes (contains digestive enzymes) FUNCTION: A type of white blood cell that defends against disease. It has a multi-lobed nucleus
Describe the adaptations and function of epithelial cells ADAPTATIONS: Ciliated epithelial cells have cilia (wafts mucous) Squamous epithelial cells are very thin (efficient diffusion of gases) Some have microvilli (large surface area) FUNCTION: Cover the surfaces of organs, joined by interlinking cell membranes and a basement membrane. Goblet cells produce cilia
Describe the adaptations of sperm cells Flagellum (to swim to eggs) Lots of mitochondria (provide energy) Acrosome contains digestive enzymes (to penetrate ovum coat of the egg)
Describe the adaptations of palisade cells Contains many chloroplasts (to absorb a lot of sunlight for photosynthesis) Walls are thin (CO₂ easily diffuses into cell)
Describe the adaptations and function of root hair cells ADAPTATIONS: Large surface area (for absorption) Thin, permeable cell wall (entry of water/ions) Large amount of mitochondria (provide energy for active transport) FUNCTIONS: Absorb water and minerals from the soil
Describe the function of guard cells Found in pairs, with a gap forming a stoma (tiny pores for gas exchange). In light, guard cells take up H₂O in vacuoles and become turgid. Thin outer walls and thickened inner walls force them to bend outwards, forming the stomata
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