Review: Vestibular system


PT546 Neuropathology Karteikarten am Review: Vestibular system, erstellt von Mia Li am 08/02/2018.
Mia Li
Karteikarten von Mia Li, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mia Li
Erstellt von Mia Li vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
List the sensory organs and the cranial nuclei of the vestibular system. 1. superior vestibular nuclei 2. inferior vestibular nuclei 3. medial vestibular nuclei 4. lateral vestibular nuclei
Each vestibular labyrinth contains _____ semicircular canals for transducing head angular motions and ____ otoliths for transducing head linear motions. 3 semicircular canal 2 otoliths
Two mechanisms of transduction initiation. 1. inertia of endolymph in the semicircular canals 2. calcium carbonate crystals in the otoliths during head motions Both mechanisms deform the hair cells
Hair cells in semicircular canals are located in _________ of _______. Capula in ampulla
Hair cells in otoliths are imbedded in ________. macula.
Where are the 1st order cell bodies of vestibular system? In the vestibular ganglion in the vestibular labyrinth.
Which CN does the vestibular branch belong to? CN VIII (vestibulocochlear)
VOR in brief: Turning head to L --> L vestibular nuclei activated --> via L MLF to L oculomotor nucleus --> activates R medial rectus and decussates to synapse with contralateral abducens nucleus --> L eye adducts while R eye abducts
Ascending vestibular tracts arise from medial, superior, and inferior vestibular tracts
Where does the thalamocortical vestibular afferent synapse in CNS? SI (BA3a) retroinsular cortex
Axons arising from neurons in the _____ and _______ vestibular nuclei form an ascending motor tract in the ____________ and synapse on __________to coordinate eye movements with head movements Arising from: medial and superior vestibular nuclei. Motor tract in the MFL. Synapse on III, IV, VI
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