

1 Computing - F453 Karteikarten am Untitled, erstellt von Jamie_472 am 04/06/2013.
Karteikarten von Jamie_472, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Jamie_472 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are the five functions of an operating system? - To provide and manage hardware resources (memory) - To provide an interface between the user and the machine - To provide and interface between hardware and software - To provide security for the data on the system - To provide utility software to maintain the system
What is an I/O interrupt? Generated by an I/O device to signal that a job is complete or an error has occurred e.g. printer is out of paper
What is a timer interrupt? generated by an internal clock indicating that the processor must attend to time critical activites
What is a hardware error interrupt? E.g. power failure (this would have the highest priority of all interrupts)
What is a program interrupt? Generated due to an error in a program, e.g. attempting to divide by 0
What are the four types of interrupts? I/O interrupt, timer interrupt, hardware error interrupt, program interrupt
What is a stack? A place to store all the data from the CPU registers when a process is interrupted. This allows a task to resume from where it left off at a later time
What is scheduling used for? To arrange processing jobs in an appropriate order based on priority
What are objectives of scheduling? - To maximise the use of the computer - To be fair to all users - To provide a reasonable response time to all users - To prevent the system from failing if it was to become overloaded - To ensure that the system is consistent by always giving similar response times to similar activities from day to day
What can influence the order in which jobs are executed? - The priority of the job - I/O or processor bound - The type of job e.g. batch processing or real time - Resource requirement e.g. the amount of time needed to complete a job, amount of memory needed - Resources used so far - How long the job has been waiting
What does I/O bound mean? A job that makes little use of the processor, e.g. mostly input and output, small calculations
What does processor bound mean? A job which heavily relies on the processor, e.g. continuously doing calculations with little input or output
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