CSCI 1301 Test 1 Flash Cards


CSCI 1301 Terms for Test 1
marc30599 .
Karteikarten von marc30599 ., aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
marc30599 .
Erstellt von marc30599 . vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Syntax Error Result of failing to follow the grammar rules of the language. These errors are caught by the compiler.
Logic Error When you encounter unexpected results during the program's execution. Result of an incorrect algorithm or mistake in implementation. Not caught by compiler and a difficult error to find
Interpreter Tends to analyze and interpret the same program statements each time it meets them. When it encounters an error, it reports it to the user immediately and halts further execution.... scanning line by line.
Compiler Requires analysis and the generation of machine code only once, analyzing the entire program taking note of where errors most notably syntax errors
Pseudocode Structured kind of English not code
Algorithm Step-by-Step problem solving process
Identifier Variables that are user defined
Prompt Gets the user to input information
Object A scanner would be an object
Javac compile command typed as "javac" that compiles your program (you run the program with the command "java filename")
Comments Not executed and ignored by the compiler and gives information about the program
Keyword Words already defined in the programming language
How do you declare scanner? import it "import java.util.scanner"
Format of a Java Program Main Main Methods Statements
A ____ marks the end of a complete programming statement. Semi-colon
The CPU performs the ______, _______ and _____ in order to process program information. fetch, decode, and execute cycle
Bytecode files end with ____ extension. .class extension
Two components of the CPU are the _______ and the _______. ALU and the Control Unit
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